Scugi first in ie only in......5:30 PM, just me and the day bartender. Cold beer and a tour around the interior, red fox mounted by the store door, deer head from 1948, 6 old rifles on the wall, sign commemorating the stagecoach stop opening in 1859, an original phone booth...sans phone but the light and fan still work. I make it back to my barstool and get to see Ross getting married to Emily in London but when it comes to the vows he says, "I take the Rachel". I try for a cheeseburger only to find out it's not Wednesday, so I make it roast beef on a Kaiser roll, homemade beef, top shelf. Shift change from one very old bartender to an old bartender, no noticeable difference. Slip right into Seinfeld and it's the one where Kramer has a fighting rooster named "Little Jerry (Seinfeld)" and Elaine's boyfriend finds out that he is bald (he's been shaving his head for a long time) and now is really upset. I'm thru 2 beers and the sandwich and Ska rolls in, and now the channel 10 news is on and we find out Matsui has been traded, MVP of the series and he's gone. G shows and informs us that the walk from Santino's is short but the equivalent of crossing all 10 lanes of the NJTPK, it seems there is a sidewalk problem. Ska already knows this as there is a guy that shows for the township meetings and brings it up every time.
It's now about 7 PM and it seems the TDDoC is split, some in Santino's some here, G decides to drink doubles at Ernie"s as they are 1/3 the price at Santino's if you could get the bartender to wait on you, actually I think the $$/hr is the same due to the lack of help but the Alcohol/hr is way different. The bartender turns TV sound off and very lame Christmas music on, I ask for the TV sound and he tells me to get over it, mind you, the 10 people in the bar are all us. We finish up and head across the street.
Santino's.....Oh what a slide
Hot barmaids.......gone
Steaks on display.......gone
Top shelf liquor.......gone
Johnny Boombots sure knows how to run a place into the ground, he still has the TV's to hock. We have one bartender, who is also busing tables, and he doesn't know how to make a Martini or can't remember what you ordered, I ordered a Santino's mochachino and got a dirty gin martini with olives 40 minutes later.
Thanks for the write up Scugi, Yo taking over for Santino’s minutes – we peel out of Ernie’s parking lot, requiring GPS assistance to the 1/8 mile trip to Santino’s One Bar (didn’t see two bars), with EMS Alba in tow, located in the super-massive 80’s reminiscient-style condo-mania all-in-one village concept, no-doubt approved by the Robbinsville anti-farmland committee, complete with stock-market-at-14,000-style shops and stores to purchase those $700 Verdi bags and $7.00 ice cream cones after long day at the spa. Limited parking spaces due to crowds somewhere, certainly not Santino’s, as we enter to find Gman/Su/Eman and family camped out at nearest booth, gobbling down $8 Lobster-something apps with verocity; To my utter disbelief I spot Dorian and Donna, in for their 1st pts of the event, sharing stories of how nice it would be if Robbinsville would relocate closer to Delaware river to support lame PA tddoc efforts, but nonetheless a great time spent rehashing memorable player-tossing/dirt spitting umpiring events by Donna. As I move down the bar, closer to SKA/Tamps/Eman, who strategically position themselves close to end of bar-opening due to “one-bartender = shithole service” thinking, move turns to be brilliant, as bartender even takes orders from the customer side, while not taking my $5bill..extremely odd, but noteworthy, as we now embrace the rookie of the year discussion as an even tie- breaker between Alba and Rebecca, which can only mean a sexy-cat fight will have to ensue at Wildflowers to determine ultimate winner should tie-breaker (god-willing) be required. Moving down the line, as discussions heat up on Tiger, the economy, jobs (anybody have any openings?) and oh-yeah, where the hell is Christine the hooker, who is presumed MIA at upscale Slocum’s or other Ewingville bowling-bar establishment, looking for Pods while wiping away tears of joy (or sorrow) at the loss of her server job in Marlton, complete with last-day female whipped-cream covering party and perfume cover-up, still lingering on my clothes in hamper and has Mrs. Yo asking questions. Chatty chimes in with usual quippy comments regarding hooker side-kick girl, who is either an FBI cover-up agent or considering joining the TDWaterhouse pissed-off all chick-band, complete with no drinks and heavy stares. As conversations turn heated on Giants/Eagles game somewhere in distance, we see who but Sandor Mentor enter the arena, grabbing his 1st pt of the season (career?), due to Milot’s kind fast-fwding efforts to the “I don’t want to be on the list, but forward it to me when Urine-town” group dist list. Sandor is an old friend, with many wisdom to share and we listened carefully as he transgressed (?) through the early days of Astro in its infancy stages of engineering marvels and marble-heads walking the dimly-lit aisles along Old Trenton Rd. We are blessed to have him. Moving along, we see little/now big Trent walking around in hunger-pains, begging for dad to buy him one more $11 sushi-crab cake ala Santino app, with diet coke, while Su/Felicia/Lisa valiantly hold down the kiddy fort. Looking across the bar, we spot two beauties that take over in plain view of TDDoC crowd, when in milli-second, Rebecca turns to hello-kiss the girls, who join the two friends returning from high-intensity spinning class, reminiscing about those 6hr workouts for upcoming triathlon in Lake Mercer, while simultaneously trying to count carbs on Santino lobster-bisque soup. As trio comes by for final exchanges, I duly note the blond/brunette/redhead combo as merely an male-hormonal observation point. As heated discussion on state of US debt turns sour, we turn to Billionaire Pat Worth (BPW), who else for advise, who promptly pulls out fancy iPhone app to demo Amazon book download of Benjamin Franklin, revealing famous quote “A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished at the edges”, something we all can relate to as our credit card balances come due. As the night’s conversations wrap-up, Tamps and I bee-line to De Lorenzo’s for famous Trenton-style tomato-pie slice, only to see ownership stares of “don’t even think-a-bout it” as the ovens were in 10:02 shut-down mode…a very sad ending indeed to a great night had by all.
Day 6 will be at Big Fish, Princeton MarketFair, 3535 US Hwy 1, Princeton, NJ
You left off BPW’s point
Some perspective stats from Dorian and Donna
Donna and I decided to try for a double dip last night by doing the NJ chapter venue of Santino’s and then hitting the Parrot on the way home. The intent was to do the H1N1 shot-fest. So we got he H1N1 shots at lovely Pennsbury High School, then ran off to Santinos
Santinos is one of these new bars in a New “old” shopping center (very much akin to the Parrot), except they have a massive porjection TV that faces out the windows into Route 33. Thus everytime a hot body was on the screen you could hear tires screeching and various collision sounds as distracted drivers looked at the TV instead of the traffic light. Of course to pay for this entertainment, the drink prices are such that Newtown prices seem reasonable. One other negative about Santinos – no draft beer.
Anyway we discover that most of the Tddocer’ s were at the other bar in Robbinsville ,Ernies Tavern (and liquor store!), which is a little place across the street and down the block where the prices are half what they are at Santinos. So aside from Sue Williams and Felecia, we have the place to ourselves – this turned out to be just as well, since there was only one bartender, and more often than not this worthy was nowhere near the bar.
We gamely went ahead bottled beer and a double shot of some odd Tequila the bartender draggged out of an old shoebox from under the bar sink, then proceeded to drink beer until the NJ Tddoc’ers came staggering in from Ernies. Later on Andy Milot, notified that we were back and attempting to recliam 15th on the all time point list, leaped out of bed and came running in in his PJs to collect his point and remain in the lead. Saying hello to people we had not seen since last December required us to stay longer than planned, as this was our first night out to TddoC due to illness and other distractions. Also, I had to wait for Billionare Pat Worth to appear because I needed a loan to pay the bar tab.
So a long story short we left late, and by the time we get to the Parrot around 9:30PM we discovered that there were no PA folks to be found – the kids had apparently drank the place out of Jaegermeister and went off in search of more elsewhere. So Donna and I had the second tequilla shot (this time Petrone. Ahhhh), made a “Why?” to Jason to indicate that we were there, complained bitterly to the bartender for not having Boddingtons anymore, and ate a truly bad plate of Nachos (which we think also came from a shoebox kept under the bar sink). Finally we wandered off into the darkness to get some rest.
Tonight the NJ folks are at the Big Fish at the Princeton Market Fair. At the risk of ramrodding I suggest this might be a good crossover opportunity.
Day 5 - Ernie's/Santino's
Alba 3
Alli 1
Andrew 3
Angela (Benny friend) 1
Art Nuefeld 1
Benny 3
Billionaire Pat Worth 1
Bobo 2
Bode 1
Brett S 1
Bubba 1
Buttercup (PB ¬ for Princess Bride) 1
Celeste 1
Chaty 4
Chaty¹s friend 2
Chaty¹s wife 1
Cheryl 3
Christine S (C-Sel) 2
Chuck D 1
Cole Howard 5
CPL (Crack Pipe Larry) 1
Dave (Felicia¹s husband) 2
Dmile 2
Donna 1
Dorian 1
Ed (Kimchick friend) 1
Eman 5
Eric T 1
Erin (Kimchick friend) 1
Felicia 4
German Michael 1
Gman 5
Goettle 2
Hans 1
Harry 1
Heather C 2
Heather S 1
Jason 1
Jerry (Mertz friend) 1
John W 1
Julian 3
Julie Nuefeld 1
Kaden 1
Katherine 1
Kimchick 4
Laura 2
Lisa Eman 4
Lori (Cole Wife) 1
Maria (the Swede) 1
Mark Pokryska ( x-S/A guy) 1
Mertz 1
Milot 4
Mosso 5
Mrs. Scugi 1
Pam Toft 1
Pods 4
Polo 1
Randy 2
Randy¹s Coworker from Jacksonville 1
Rich Toft 1
Sandor 1
Scugi 5
Sharon A 1
Sharon H 1
Ska 3
Su 5
Tamps 5
Trent Eman 3
Tytla 1
Webster (The general) 1
Will T 1
Yo 4
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