Alright, let's get this straight up front….the late stats are not my fault. I was not the stats writer. No one was. We didn't have one. It's Goettle's fault. This never happened before he moved. Except that one year when CPL was supposed to write them for Day 12 and still hasn't to this day.
I get a text at 5:39 from Pods that says "Where the f*ck is everybody?". I think that might have been something like a "WWHHHYYYYYY?" call. I got a "Well where are you?" text from Alli at 6:01. THAT could NOT have been a "WWHHYYYY??" call because clearly Pods was there and she couldn’t have been drinking alone. The real question is WWWHHHHHHHYYYYY am I still in my car and not at the bar?
What's this big fascination with the Irish this year? The Firkin' kinda has an Irish twist, and Dublin Square is clearly Irish, with Guinness, shamrocks, and leprechauns leaking everywhere. There's a few soccer jerseys hanging in the corner. I'm not sure that they had anything to do with Ireland, but I think they like soccer there so good enough. In the true love o' the Irish spirit, Gman and Su order a traditional tasty Irish meal, a burger and ribs. Alli is here, because it's finally close to her work, and more importantly, it's an Irish place. The beer menu has several cutesy variations of mixing Guinness with other things to make creations like "black and blue" and "black and down"….I don't know, I can't remember the names so I’m making them up. The one that caught my eye though was "black and light", which is Guinness mixed with Miller Lite. Miller Lite. Yes, Miller Lite. Alli theorizes that if you attempted to mix the two, the Guinness would beat the crap out of the Miller Lite. What does really kick @ss is the curry and chips on the menu. Ask Eman….he ate about 4 pounds of that. At some point the waitress yells at me for getting my beers from the bar directly instead of her. As eman always says "I'm just sayin".
Benny makes his first TDDOC appearance of the year. Whenever I go to a bar in Bordentown, Benny is there. Try it sometime….Drive to a bar in Bordentown right now. I bet he's there.
Hans makes his first TDDOC appearance in who know how long. He regales the troops with his timeless story of him and the 609 Band getting kicked out of the Triumph for being unruly….or appearing to be unruly. Hans debates calling the rest of the 609 Band and getting them to come out to the bar and get kicked out here, but he is pulled away by family duties (a cousin had just been kicked out of Triumph and needed a ride home).
The hardcopy career stats that had been stolen by Russ the night before are returned……or are they? I ask him if he has them, and he does, in his pocket. Were they there all night? Is this the same pair of pants? I don't know. Trent runs over and grabs them because he's heard that Kimchick is hot on his tail for career points. It turns out that Kimchick is now actually one point ahead. Trent silently schemes a Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding incident to slow down Kimchick's progress. Kimchick busts up that fantasy by sharing that he has several pairs of crutches and mere leg injuries cannot stop him. Trent's shoulders slump and he walks away slowly. To see what happened next, you had to watch very carefully. With lightning speed when it appeared that no one was looking, Russ snatched back the stats and put them back in that same sweaty pants pocket. Something creepy is afoot here no doubt.
One other point of note in the career stats: Alli, who lives about an hour and a half away from the closest TDDOC location, has only a few points less than CPL, who typically has to drive 500-600 yards out of his way on the way home to get to the TDDOC location. I'm just sayin.
Pods leaves at some point because he needs to stop at the All Call Inn. I temporarily think I've been there until Pods reminds me that I haven't and just think so because he talks about it. I suggest it might be a place we should go on one of the TDDOC nights.. "Nah….that place is a dump and there's no one there." Yes, our TDDOC are much, much higher than that.
Bobo, Kaden, Tytla, Chaty and Chaty's friend Steve roll in around 9PM. Did they carpool? Were they all bowling at the world-famous chic cosmopolitan Penndel Lanes? Where is Penndel Lanes you might ask, and what happens at the Penndel Lanes? Well, the answer's not quite as easy as you think. It's in this town called Penndel, and there's bowling lanes there. I believe that the PA chapter of the TDDOC went there for their Day 3 festivities. Kaden shares that Penndel Lanes, despite its chic cosmopolitan name, is actually a horrific dump that would easily qualify as the crappiest TDDOC location of all time. That's my kinda place. Perhaps Monday's location? Kaden also shares that at the Penndel Lanes, Dorian had bowled several 300 games in addition to drinking a gallon of whiskey, doing several shots, and being hit on by scores of smokin' hot Penndel women. Or maybe it was someone else that Kaden was talking about….I can't remember.
Bobo claims that this is his first TDDOC night ever where he consumed no food. Does he get a point for that? He also says that this year is the first time ever that TDDOC started on a Wednesday. Is that really possible? Please research on your own.
A DJ(?) then breaks out his equipment and starts to bust up the dance floor. Well, by DJ I mean a guy in jeans and a sweatshirt. By equipment I mean what looks like an iPod and a boombox. By bust up the dance floor I mean cause everyone to slowly drift closer to the bar, further and further away from him. As I left, Kaden was observed slipping off his sneakers and replacing them with Michael Jackson moonwalk shoes. I think I even heard him shout "Shake your butt" as I went through the door. When I get time, I will be sure to search on YouTube for "Kaden dance floor Dublin Square".
lisa eman
trent eman
felicia's husband
chaty's friend
tamps biker firend guy
tamps biker friend woman
noticably absent:
Day 2 Points Totals
Pods - 2
CPL (Crack Pipe Larry) ¬ 1
Gman ¬ 2
Su ¬ 2
Tamps - 2
Mosso ¬ 2
Bobo - 2
Eman - 2
Goettle - 1
Scugi - 2
Cole Howard - 2
Randy - 1
German Michael - 1
Randy¹s Coworker from Jacksonville - 1
Laura - 1
Katherine - 1
Chaty - 2
Chaty¹s wife - 1
Chaty¹s friend - 2
Kimchick - 2
Mark Pokryska ( x-S/A guy) - 1
Yo - 1
Chuck D - 1
Milot - 2
Dmile - 1
Alba - 1
Felicia ¬ 2
Dave (Felicia¹s husband) ¬ 2
Eric T ¬ 1
Sharon A - 1
Sharon H ¬ 1
Jason ¬ 1
Buttercup (PB ¬ for Princess Bride) ¬ 1
John W ¬ 1
Brett S ¬ 1
Will T ¬ 1
Christine S (C-Sel) ¬ 1
Heather S ¬ 1
Heather C- 1
julian - 1
andrew - 1
hans - 1
alli - 1
lisa eman - 1
trent eman - 1
benny - 1
tytla - 1
kaden - 1
cheryl - 1
tamps biker friend guy - 1
tamps biker friend woman - 1
ska - 0
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