So it’s around 8 PM on Day 2 – just gave the little guy a bath and put him to bed. We were reading “That’s Not My Dragon” - a real page turner. I text Ska but get no answer. Uh-oh, looks like the streak – all 97 days of the madness, including the unlawful revocation of the rightly earned point in 2003 – is coming to an end. And ska is gonna fall father behind “g-poleon”, nap’s not-so-great great great great great grandson, and current lifetime leader in the alltime stats. Great. I keep checking the cell phone textometer but nothing – now I know what chicks go through when they are waiting for a guy to call. Finally, after an agonizing 15 minutes the cell phone makes that bleep noise when a text arrives. It’s ska saying he just finished dinner. I text back, “do you wanna go out?” - it takes me about 5 minutes to create the text. After 15 minutes of texting, we discover the devices’ telephone capability and through real-time dialog pick “The Cheesecake Factory” in the Dulles Town Center Mall. Though Pods would never approve of the place – and when he found out about it the next night, he was writhing on the floor in disgust – he certainly would’ve appreciated the fact that is walking distance from my apartment. Ska and I vow that tonite won’t be a late night, because we have to get up early tomorrow – yeah, like that ever happens.
It’s a cold walk over to the mall and I arrive at 9. Ska is already at the bar doing what appears to be word jumble on a napkin. No he hasn’t los his mind – he’s trying to figure out what scugi meant in a text message. If any of you had received e-mail from Scugi, you’d understand. It’s beer for me and Ketel One for Ska. While the décor for the place is fairly nice, it lacks what Pods would probably refer to as “character”. Yes, this is no Waffle House. We chit-chat about day 1, ska’s work meetings, my new job, the US Congress, the apparent splintering of the Democratic party over healthcare reform, g-man’s napoleon complex, tamp’s mussolini complex, Tiger Woods’ clinton complex, the Meadowlands sports complex, the future of the country, where Day 3 will be, pawn shops, pizza places in NJ, and a few other topics. We might be a little slow on the uptake (ska’s phrase), but when the cleaning crew lifts our glasses to wipe the bar and moves our chairs (while we are still in them) to sweep the floor, we figure they’ve run out of vodka and beer.
The points total:
Ska – 1
Goettle - 1
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