Today is the 11th day of the TDDoC. You’re done a great thing! Oh! The Places You’ve Gone! Oh! The Drinks That You Drank! You’re off and away! With just two events left. One night and one day. What would Nancy Reagan say?
You have brains in your head. With brain cells, some dead.
You have feet in your shoes. You can steer your vehicle to any bar that you choose. You’re on your own to decide. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide what to drink. Oh! The conversations you’ll converse! Oh! The Drinks You will Drink!
You will look up and down bars. You will look in and around crowds. Look’em over with care. About some you will say, “I don’t choose to drink there.” With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you’re too smart to drink down a not-so-drunken street. With the TDDoC you will want to drink and fall down. You will puke and you will urinate and be ticketed for both. You will appear in court and plead “No Contest”…I hope. Oh! The Lies You will Lie! Oh! The Drinks You will Drink!
And when things start to happen, don’t worry. Don’t stew. Just drink right along. You will start happening too. Oh! The Spending You will Spend! Oh! The Drinks You will Drink!
Oh! The Places You’ll Go! Oh! The Drinks You will Drink! So without further ado, we disclose the last bar. BT Bistro’s the place, the distance not far.
BT Bistro
Clarion Palmer Inn
3499 Route One South
Princeton, NJ
Last night attendees included Alba, Andrew, Benny, BPW, Mrs. BPW and kids Caitlyn and Mini G, Celeste, Mr. & Mrs. Chatty, Chuck D, Cole, Colleen, Dmile, The Maurers, Gman, Julian, Kimchick (sans SJP), Laura, Mertz, Mike Sterns, Milot, Mosso, Re-Becca, Reese, Sandor, Scugi, Sharon Extraordinaire, Ska, Su, Tamps, and Yo. The rookie of the year contest continues unchanged, but Alba did make a lame attempt to derail Re-B’s efforts by “accidentally” spilling a drink on Re-B. Noticeable absentees included the E-clan (Eman called in to claim “No Mas”) which strengthened Kimchick’s lead on Trent. (Thank you very much.) SJP was “out” with “business associates” somewhere in the swamps of Jersey, Big Lou was out recruiting for the Conshohocken Chapter, Erin and Ed were both MIA, and F’ing CPL is still in hiding fearing the wrath of SJP for sticking her with stats last week. Others were absent as well, and they know who they are. Six people are now solidly into double digit attendance with five more mathematically in the double digit hunt as well. Which brings up an interesting point…You can come up with dozens of reasons not to come out, but you only need one reason to come out. BECAUSE it’s the TDDoc.
Day 10 - Killarney's stats by Kimchick
Adrian 1
Alba 7
Alli 1
Amin (Jana Friend) 1
Andrew 6
Angela (Benny friend) 1
Art Nuefeld 1
Benny 7
Billionaire Pat Worth 4
Bobo 3
Bode 2
Brandy 2
Brett S 1
Bubba 2
Buttercup (PB ¬ for Princess Bride) 1
Caitlyn (Brandy daughter) 1
Celeste 3
Chaty 5
Chaty¹s friend Steve 2
Chaty¹s wife 2
Cheryl 5
Christine S (C-Sel) 2
Chuck D 2
Cole Howard 10
Colleen 1
Cory Mertz 1
CPL (Crack Pipe Larry) 2
Dave (Felicia¹s husband) 2
Dmile 7
Donna 3
Dorian 4
Ed Rodgers 1
Eman 7
Eric T 1
Erin Rodgers 3
Felicia 6
German Michael 3
Gman 10
Goettle 3
Hans 1
Harry 1
Heather C 2
Heather S 1
Jason 1
Jerry (Mertz friend) 1
Joe (Yo's friend) 1
John W 1
Julian 5
Julie Nuefeld 1
Kaden 1
Katherine 2
Kimchick 8
Laura 3
Lisa Eman 5
Lori (Cole Wife) 1
Lou D 1
Maria (the Swede) 1
Mark P (x-S/A guy) 1
Martha 1
Mertz 4
Mike Sterns 1
Milot 10
Mindy 1
Mini G (Brandy son) 1
Mosso 10
Mrs. Scugi 1
Norm 1
Oscar 1
Pam Toft 1
Pods 5
Polo 2
Randy 4
Randy¹s Coworker from Jacksonville 1
Reese 4
Rich Toft 1
Rose 2
Sandor 3
Scugi 10
Sharon A 2
Sharon H 4
Ska 8
Su 10
Tamps 9
Trent Eman 4
Tytla 2
Webster (The general) 2
Will T 1
Yvette 1
Yo 9
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