Click this for Day 10, 11, 12 pic gallery.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Day 10 Stats
Today is the 11th day of the TDDoC. You’re done a great thing! Oh! The Places You’ve Gone! Oh! The Drinks That You Drank! You’re off and away! With just two events left. One night and one day. What would Nancy Reagan say?
You have brains in your head. With brain cells, some dead.
You have feet in your shoes. You can steer your vehicle to any bar that you choose. You’re on your own to decide. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide what to drink. Oh! The conversations you’ll converse! Oh! The Drinks You will Drink!
You will look up and down bars. You will look in and around crowds. Look’em over with care. About some you will say, “I don’t choose to drink there.” With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you’re too smart to drink down a not-so-drunken street. With the TDDoC you will want to drink and fall down. You will puke and you will urinate and be ticketed for both. You will appear in court and plead “No Contest”…I hope. Oh! The Lies You will Lie! Oh! The Drinks You will Drink!
And when things start to happen, don’t worry. Don’t stew. Just drink right along. You will start happening too. Oh! The Spending You will Spend! Oh! The Drinks You will Drink!
Oh! The Places You’ll Go! Oh! The Drinks You will Drink! So without further ado, we disclose the last bar. BT Bistro’s the place, the distance not far.
BT Bistro
Clarion Palmer Inn
3499 Route One South
Princeton, NJ
Last night attendees included Alba, Andrew, Benny, BPW, Mrs. BPW and kids Caitlyn and Mini G, Celeste, Mr. & Mrs. Chatty, Chuck D, Cole, Colleen, Dmile, The Maurers, Gman, Julian, Kimchick (sans SJP), Laura, Mertz, Mike Sterns, Milot, Mosso, Re-Becca, Reese, Sandor, Scugi, Sharon Extraordinaire, Ska, Su, Tamps, and Yo. The rookie of the year contest continues unchanged, but Alba did make a lame attempt to derail Re-B’s efforts by “accidentally” spilling a drink on Re-B. Noticeable absentees included the E-clan (Eman called in to claim “No Mas”) which strengthened Kimchick’s lead on Trent. (Thank you very much.) SJP was “out” with “business associates” somewhere in the swamps of Jersey, Big Lou was out recruiting for the Conshohocken Chapter, Erin and Ed were both MIA, and F’ing CPL is still in hiding fearing the wrath of SJP for sticking her with stats last week. Others were absent as well, and they know who they are. Six people are now solidly into double digit attendance with five more mathematically in the double digit hunt as well. Which brings up an interesting point…You can come up with dozens of reasons not to come out, but you only need one reason to come out. BECAUSE it’s the TDDoc.
Day 10 - Killarney's stats by Kimchick
Adrian 1
Alba 7
Alli 1
Amin (Jana Friend) 1
Andrew 6
Angela (Benny friend) 1
Art Nuefeld 1
Benny 7
Billionaire Pat Worth 4
Bobo 3
Bode 2
Brandy 2
Brett S 1
Bubba 2
Buttercup (PB ¬ for Princess Bride) 1
Caitlyn (Brandy daughter) 1
Celeste 3
Chaty 5
Chaty¹s friend Steve 2
Chaty¹s wife 2
Cheryl 5
Christine S (C-Sel) 2
Chuck D 2
Cole Howard 10
Colleen 1
Cory Mertz 1
CPL (Crack Pipe Larry) 2
Dave (Felicia¹s husband) 2
Dmile 7
Donna 3
Dorian 4
Ed Rodgers 1
Eman 7
Eric T 1
Erin Rodgers 3
Felicia 6
German Michael 3
Gman 10
Goettle 3
Hans 1
Harry 1
Heather C 2
Heather S 1
Jason 1
Jerry (Mertz friend) 1
Joe (Yo's friend) 1
John W 1
Julian 5
Julie Nuefeld 1
Kaden 1
Katherine 2
Kimchick 8
Laura 3
Lisa Eman 5
Lori (Cole Wife) 1
Lou D 1
Maria (the Swede) 1
Mark P (x-S/A guy) 1
Martha 1
Mertz 4
Mike Sterns 1
Milot 10
Mindy 1
Mini G (Brandy son) 1
Mosso 10
Mrs. Scugi 1
Norm 1
Oscar 1
Pam Toft 1
Pods 5
Polo 2
Randy 4
Randy¹s Coworker from Jacksonville 1
Reese 4
Rich Toft 1
Rose 2
Sandor 3
Scugi 10
Sharon A 2
Sharon H 4
Ska 8
Su 10
Tamps 9
Trent Eman 4
Tytla 2
Webster (The general) 2
Will T 1
Yvette 1
Yo 9
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Day 9 Stats
1644 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road, Hamilton, NJ 08619
($2 Coors Light tonight)
Day 9 Statistics from TirNaNog, Hamilton:
We’ve made it to the final week of the TDDoC with a triumphant return to TirNaNog. We had been here last year and a good time was had by all. Well worth a return visit.
As I’m driving over on Kuser Road I have a police car come up from behind me with the rollers on. Is it possible to get pulled over for a DUI check while driving to the bar? I think about flooring it and seeing if I can outrun him but better judgment wins out and I find a place to pull over into a snow bank. He passes me and continues down the road. Another confrontation averted.
I enter TirNaNog and although there are many at the bar but I see no one familiar. Further in the back we find Dorian, Sharon H., G-Man and Su sitting at a table. Dorian had been the first to arrive and for some reason made a “Why?” call to Eman. Apparently he doesn’t know that Eman is at Disney World with no intention of drinking any beer. Eman does text back and is ramroding the location for the next night through one of his puppets. The regulars slowly file in: Mosso, REBECCA, Scugi, Tamps, Cole, Ska, Benny, Yo, Alba and Mertz. Mertz can only stay for a short time and but he does earn a point. Gotta respect the dedication. Gman puts Benny to the test to estabish his credentials for Comeback TDDoCer (more on that later). Benny is asked to name all the other TDDoCers which he does with ease. He does skip the ladies since it is a given that he knows them. Benny played little league baseball with one of the inebriated Irish gents at the bar. Apparently Benny was a good hitter and known as Benji the Bat. Later in the evening this same guy is arm wrestling a cousin on the bar. Finally on the ninth day we witness a feat of strength. Now if we could only have a foot race. Benny’s friend does win the arm wrestling match. Now this drunken Mick said he was leaving three or four times before telling us he was on his way to the movie Avatar.
Milot, D-mile and Rose arrive a little later. Milot had made it to all previous eight nights, one of the remaining six to have perfect attendance. Can he make it to the end? Last year at TirNaNog the TDDoCers far outnumbered the pub regulars. This year the pub regulars were in far greater numbers since it was Monday Night Football night. The other New York football team was playing the Washington Redskins. The game had little meaning since the Redskins are already eliminated and the Giants are soon to be. It did have fantasy football implications as Ska’s team was playing Tamps’ team in the FFFL playoffs.
As the end of 2009 TDDoC approaches the awards are discussed. The awards to be presented include; Rookie of the Year (ROY), the Coveted Purple Moose Award (most valuable drunk), and Comeback TDDoCer. The ROY battle continues and is expected to continue to the end of 2009. As Yogi Berra said “It ain’t over until it’s over”. Benny (Benji) seems to be a shoe in for Comeback TDDoCer. The qualifications for Coveted Purple Moose Award are passionately argued. Is it the person who drank the most over the 12 days? Or is it the person who tried to drink 12 nights worth of booze in one night? Or is it the person who had to be driven home on one or multiple days? Or perhaps it’s the one who shouldn’t have driven home at all. The race for the Coveted Purple Moose Award is wide open and there are plenty of opportunities for anyone to win it. The $2 Coors Lights tonight should help.
TirNaNog is a drinking bar. There shall be no food, dance contests or @$$offs tonight. Someone asks the barkeep if they serve food. He says no, “We don’t serve food here, but we do have menus if you’d like to order something”. Apparently, this is where the management from Santino’s got the idea of taking food orders with no intention of ever serving anything. I guess the menus were for local food delivery places.
What is with the Irish pubs this year? After tomorrow it will be 4 of the 12 nights, 33% or as Ska likes to say 1/3. As far as I can tell none of the members of the steering committee are Irish but there does seem to be some sort of attraction to the Irish culture. Perhaps it is the whiskey. “Does whiskey count as beer?”. Actually there are reports that Ireland had a utopia society in the early part of the last millennium. It may have been the greatest civilization in human history far greater than the Phoenicians, the Greeks and the Romans. They had developed endless clean energy sources, flying cars, etc. All the dreams of the future. Then one of their most brilliant scientists invented a new beverage called “Whiskey” which he introduced to his colleagues. After a few swigs of the new beverage the scientists broke out into a massive fight and their society plunged into the Ireland we all know today. OK, so I stole this from the Family Guy but there wasn’t much to work with from last night. We do like our Irish Pubs.
The battle over who will write the stats for TDDoC continues. I often wonder if you had an infinite amount of monkeys working on an infinite amount of computers would the stats get written. The answer is of course NO, especially if one of those monkeys happens to be named CPL. The CPL monkey would likely disrupt all the other monkeys keeping them from getting their work done. Goettle points out that one of the TDDoC regulars has not written stats this year. This unnamed regular quickly points out that some of the other regulars have not written this year either, throwing them all under the bus. Word to the wise, if you’re ever running from the police with this unnamed regular and he/she get nabs then you might as well just quit running and turn yourself in too. He’ll be singing to the cops like a jaybird about you too.
Noticeably Absent: Eman, Bobo, CPL, Goettle, Glen Burtnick and many others
Day 9 - Tir Na Nog stats by Mosso
Adrian 1
Alba 6
Alli 1
Amin (Jana Friend) 1
Andrew 5
Angela (Benny friend) 1
Art Nuefeld 1
Benny 6
Billionaire Pat Worth 3
Bobo 3
Bode 2
Brandy 1
Brett S 1
Bubba 2
Buttercup (PB ¬ for Princess Bride) 1
Celeste 2
Chaty 4
Chaty¹s friend Steve 2
Chaty¹s wife 1
Cheryl 5
Christine S (C-Sel) 2
Chuck D 1
Cole Howard 9
Cory Mertz 1
CPL (Crack Pipe Larry) 2
Dave (Felicia¹s husband) 2
Dmile 6
Donna 2
Dorian 3
Ed (Kimchick friend) 1
Eman 7
Eric T 1
Erin (Kimchick friend) 3
Felicia 6
German Michael 3
Gman 9
Goettle 3
Hans 1
Harry 1
Heather C 2
Heather S 1
Jason 1
Jerry (Mertz friend) 1
Joe (Yo's friend) 1
John W 1
Julian 4
Julie Nuefeld 1
Kaden 1
Katherine 2
Kimchick 7
Laura 2
Lisa Eman 5
Lori (Cole Wife) 1
Maria (the Swede) 1
Mark P (x-S/A guy) 1
Martha 1
Mertz 3
Milot 9
Mindy 1
Mosso 9
Mrs. Scugi 1
Norm 1
Pam Toft 1
Pods 5
Polo 2
Randy 4
Randy¹s Coworker from Jacksonville 1
Reese 3
Rich Toft 1
Rose 2
Sandor 2
Scugi 9
Sharon A 2
Sharon H 3
Ska 7
Su 9
Tamps 8
Trent Eman 4
Tytla 2
Webster (The general) 2
Will T 1
Yvette 1
Yo 8
Monday, December 21, 2009
Day 8 Stats
These are Day 8 stats written by Rebecca. I did not know everyone there so please send me (only) an email if the tally below has inadvertently omitted anyone
Excellent job on the stats Rebecca… very nicely done!!!! The rookie stat writers have done an excellent job
Day 9's Location Monday Dec 21, 2009
Tir Na Nog
1324 Hamilton Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08629
(609) 392-2554
The evening started slowly. When I arrived Cole, Russ, and Yo were in the buffet line. I use the word buffet very loosely as it was comprised of a salad, fruit, veggies and 2 soggy pastas and 2 unidentified fried foods. Nevertheless, it was FREE and we were happy to help ourselves. Within the next hour Big Al, Benny, Gman, Su, Billionaire Pat Worth and lovely wife Brandy, Andy and Denise and Alba arrived. Folks were enjoying the $4 margaritas and assorted other drinks. Tamps, Ska and Goettles and wife arrive along with Scugi. My biking buddy Erin also arrives with Frank and Cheryl. Cheryl is already lit as she has had to XO cafes before getting there. Apparently the PA version of the TDDoC was at Havana and some of the NJ contingent stopped there first. Pods is absent and folks say its because they have a strict dress code and cannot part with his hat.
The lights dimmed and the dance music began. Folks were doing the electric slide, there was bumping, grinding and much frivolity. Gman was made a sandwich as was Big Lou by the girls competing for rookie of the year honors. Pictures are attached. Brandy and Pat are thinking about getting a new tandem so the boys can race the girls (girls will kick their butts). Ska was having a great time talking about his huge lime as he held it far above his cup while squeezing gently. Ska was also heard talking about how he enjoys breaking up rocks with his jack hammer. Ok all, get your minds out of the gutter right now! There was much discussion on Monday nights location. Gman and Tamps said it was my call since I was writing stats. In the same breath they also told me what my choices were and when would be the best night for each of these. In Gmans words from the night before, I believe Monday will be at Tir Na Nog as someone has ramrodded that through.
As the night wore on, the group seemed to split between the back bar and the front bar. Yo and wife Adrian were corralling folks as they tried to leave at the front bar, so you had to be really on your toes in order to break free from their grip. Towards the end of the night Alba was telling us about her computer issues. There were lots of hand gestures and she slipped into her native tongue frequently. We all just nodded as if we understood exactly what she was talking about. I asked Ska at the end of the night if he had ever been married. With a puzzled look on his face he said " I think so. I was drunk most of the 80's, so things are still a bit fuzzy". The last of us left right before midnight and there was a heated debate between Tamps and myself on the best way to get home from the Kat. Tamps opts for back roads through Trenton while I opted for the major roads. I should have went with Tamps as I got caught in a sobriety checkpoint on Route 130. Luckily I passed with flying colors. As we wind down our journey on the twelve drinking days of Christmas I just want to say a big thanks to all for the encouragement you have all offered to get me through this adventure. I also would like to take this opportunity to ask for your vote for rookie of the year. If chosen for this dubious honor, I promise to uphold the very strict standards set forth by the TDDoC, to bring in new recruits to keep the tradition strong and to buy drinks for anyone who needs me to buy their vote.
Pics from Day 8
Day 8 - Katmandu
Adrian 1
Alba 5
Alli 1
Amin (Jana Friend) 1
Andrew 5
Angela (Benny friend) 1
Art Nuefeld 1
Benny 5
Billionaire Pat Worth 3
Bobo 3
Bode 2
Brandy 1
Brett S 1
Bubba 2
Buttercup (PB ¬ for Princess Bride) 1
Celeste 2
Chaty 4
Chaty¹s friend Steve 2
Chaty¹s wife 1
Cheryl 5
Christine S (C-Sel) 2
Chuck D 1
Cole Howard 8
Cory Mertz 1
CPL (Crack Pipe Larry) 2
Dave (Felicia¹s husband) 2
Dmile 5
Donna 2
Dorian 2
Ed (Kimchick friend) 1
Eman 7
Eric T 1
Erin (Kimchick friend) 2
Felicia 6
German Michael 3
Gman 8
Goettle 3
Hans 1
Harry 1
Heather C 2
Heather S 1
Jason 1
Jerry (Mertz friend) 1
Joe (Yo's friend) 1
John W 1
Julian 4
Julie Nuefeld 1
Kaden 1
Katherine 2
Kimchick 7
Laura 2
Lisa Eman 5
Lori (Cole Wife) 1
Maria (the Swede) 1
Mark P (x-S/A guy) 1
Martha 1
Mertz 2
Milot 8
Mindy 1
Mosso 8
Mrs. Scugi 1
Norm 1
Pam Toft 1
Pods 5
Polo 2
Randy 4
Randy¹s Coworker from Jacksonville 1
Reese 3
Rich Toft 1
Rose 1
Sandor 2
Scugi 8
Sharon A 2
Sharon H 2
Ska 6
Su 8
Tamps 7
Trent Eman 4
Tytla 2
Webster (The general)2
Will T 1
Yvette 1
Yo 7
Friday, December 18, 2009
Day 7 stats
Beside G-man, Su, Julian and Andrew was there as well, there was a motion to rename Andrew to” Baby G”, the name sort of fits now, but in 20 years it may be a little weird. There was no sign of Pods, Tamps or E-Man. Lisa E-man and Trent were not there as well, this is strange because Trent Ramroded “City Streets” the night before. E-man did make the scene later in the night for a quick one. Mosso and Scugi were enjoying the $2 beers all night long, which was a very good thing, a true value in these hard times.
On the other side of the bar, Alba treated the group to life saving techniques, namely chest compressions to Yo and Cole. These guys did not have any complaints. That side of the bar has now been certified in CPR. Rose and Felicia were enjoying their beverages, having clever conversation, when Rose’s daughter and daughters friend stopped by to pick up mom. Last night was sort of an event, Kimberly (Rose’s daughter) and Erica made their first TDDoC stop, and their lives will never be the same.
The battle for Rookie of the Year is heating up. Alba is trying to catch Re-Becca. REBECCA would like to change her name to Re-Becca, but never Becky. Anyway Re-B is getting nervous if there is a tie, she would have to go thru an A$$ Off according to G-man. She stated that Alba has a nice butt, and biking has done well for her, but is nervous around Alba’s butt. She suggested a dance off at Katmandu, maybe a combo of Dance / A$$ off will work; only time will tell.
Around 10 o’clock, Karaoke comes to city streets. The crowd changes and things start getting weird, especially with the TDDoC people.

A woman in a leather or pleather Bustiere showed up, showing the girls, but did not sing. Yo snaps a couple of pictures of her, beyond Ska. This continues till she caught on gave us a dirty look and eventually left. I know now that Yo is good with that Camera, and would be a good paparazzi photographer.
It must be noted that Ska admitted to trying on various thongs, from Giorgio Armani – it is noted that the fit is good, but the color “orange” wasn’t doing it for him.
Yo discovered business cards at the restaurant, someone from the group noted that one of the realtors who’s card was found propositioned her for a threesome with her husband. (The TDDoC member wasn’t into a threesome L) If anyone else is interested, see Yo for more information on this realtor. I know Himalayan pigmies and LaManchian goats are hard to get this time of year, but this realtor likes to party.
Then there was the singing, a woman named Clora did a good rendition of the Beatles song “Come Together”. Most of the guys in the bar probably couldn’t tell you what the song was, but I remained focused for the stats. (Again See Yo for photos and Movie)
As the night drew to a close, there was no Tamps sighting, only text messages, that he was out there somewhere. Well another year has come and gone and city streets have proven to be a good venue for the TDDoC, till next year.
Day 7 - City Streets
- Hide quoted text -
Angela (Benny friend)
Art Nuefeld
Billionaire Pat Worth
Brett S
Buttercup (PB ¬ for Princess Bride)
Chaty¹s friend
Chaty¹s wife
Christine S (C-Sel)
Chuck D
Cole Howard
CPL (Crack Pipe Larry)
Dave (Felicia¹s husband)
Ed (Kimchick friend)
Eric T
Erin (Kimchick friend)
German Michael
Heather C
Heather S
Jerry (Mertz friend)
John W
Julie Nuefeld
Lisa Eman
Lori (Cole Wife)
Maria (the Swede)
Mark Pokryska ( x-S/A guy)
Mrs. Scugi
Pam Toft
Randy¹s Coworker from Jacksonville
Rich Toft
Sharon A
Sharon H
Trent Eman
Webster (The general)
Will T
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Day 6 Stats
The secret is out, CPL discovered that I am really Sarah Jessica Parker (SJP) in disguise. I dress down and take off those cfm shoes while in the presence of TDDoC, so no one knows who I really am. It still is a secret, so don’t tell anyone.
F’ing CPL was given the directive last night to do stats. Since we are still waiting for Day 12 stats from Year 11 (?) from him, I was appointed as back-up stat writer. Imagine, never having worked for RCA, GE, Astro, or Lockheed, how was I ever selected for this honor to be bestowed upon me?
Tonight, we meet at City Streets Cafe,
510 Rt. 130 South
East Windsor, NJ 08520
Phone: 609-426-9400
Arrive to Big Fish to see Ska, Scugi and F’ing CPL, two of the three drinking chocolate martinis! Seems to be the drink of choice for many throughout the night. CPL had been there since noon, so he was well underway to an alcoholic induced stupor early on.
Su was walking out to go eat – said they ran out of food at the BF, so she had to go elsewhere. Must be finishing the Delorenzo’s pie from the previous night, which I might add, was rudely not shared with the group.
Talking about the state of the economy, and me being the non-engineer, but finance type, there is a direct correlation of the TDDoC and the financial position of the organizations where we frequent, and where we work, that I must direct your attention. I can think of nothing more enjoyable than sharing these financial thoughts with you, and putting you all to sleep. The benefit of sleeping is that you will be well rested for this evenings’ events’. Let’s start with the establishments frequented. We are all doing our fare share of improving the economy and generously parting with our hard earned wages, offering such wages to the good (and the bad) servers that pour us drinks. They, in turn, will spend money on their families, buying Holiday gifts of extreme proportions, thanks to our good will. The only negative here is that some of us, names not mentioned, get too drunk to drive home (eh, hem : G-man, F’ing CPL), and must be driven by the non-drinkers in the group, thus polluting the air with unnecessary fuel consumption. The engineers can expand upon the environmental impact of this excessive driving.
Then we have our places of employment. The price paid of the lost productivity is enormous, commencing with the first day after TDDoC starts, and ending with Christmas Eve Day. Bleary eyed individuals enter their place of employment and attempt to be productive alas only to find that by the time they gather their thoughts, it is time to relocate to that evenings’ location. Thousands of dollars are lost in production, which will never be recovered. There is no financial gain to our companies from the TDDoC.
We had a celebrity sighting – Norm from Cheers! However, he had a NY accent, did not quite fit the Norm we all know and love.
Trent and Kimchick are still neck-in-neck over life time points. It was suggested that Trent’s performance in school is suffering as a result of his daily visits to……the bars! Oh, if only his teachers knew the truth. I overheard Kimchick being asked by one of Norm’s friends if “that boy” was drinking, referring to the younger E-Man. Kimchick’s reply…you’re drinking in a bar, aren’t you?
Donna and Dorian made appearances two nights in a row! Will they go for three?
Missing was Alba, now Re-becca has one point up on her. Re-becca has graciously offered to write stats one night, to ensure her lead position as rookie of the year remains intact.
E-man was heard saying that CPL needs to 'man up', but in a feminine way.....
As is customary, the bill at the end of the night was left unpaid by some, so the few suckers that stayed till closing, incurred serious financial damage. Ska indicated those guilty will be killed (specifically CPL).
Running stats:
Day 6 - Big Fish |
Alba | 3 |
Alli | 1 |
Andrew | 4 |
Angela (Benny friend) | 1 |
Art Nuefeld | 1 |
Benny | 4 |
BIG LOU | 1 |
Billionaire Pat Worth | 2 |
Bobo | 3 |
Bode | 1 |
Brett S | 1 |
Bubba | 1 |
Buttercup (PB ¬ for Princess Bride) | 1 |
Celeste | 2 |
Chaty | 4 |
Chaty¹s friend | 2 |
Chaty¹s wife | 1 |
Cheryl | 4 |
Christine S (C-Sel) | 2 |
Chuck D | 1 |
Cole Howard | 6 |
CPL (Crack Pipe Larry) | 2 |
Dave (Felicia¹s husband) | 2 |
Dmile | 3 |
Donna | 2 |
Dorian | 2 |
Ed (Kimchick friend) | 1 |
Eman | 6 |
Eric T | 1 |
Erin (Kimchick friend) | 2 |
Felicia | 5 |
German Michael | 2 |
Gman | 6 |
Goettle | 2 |
Hans | 1 |
Harry | 1 |
Heather C | 2 |
Heather S | 1 |
Jason | 1 |
Jerry (Mertz friend) | 1 |
John W | 1 |
Julian | 3 |
Julie Nuefeld | 1 |
Kaden | 1 |
Katherine | 2 |
Kimchick | 5 |
Laura | 2 |
Lisa Eman | 5 |
Lori (Cole Wife) | 1 |
Maria (the Swede) | 1 |
Mark Pokryska ( x-S/A guy) | 1 |
Mertz | 1 |
Milot | 6 |
Mindy | 1 |
Mosso | 6 |
Mrs. Scugi | 1 |
Pam Toft | 1 |
Pods | 5 |
Polo | 2 |
Randy | 3 |
Randy¹s Coworker from Jacksonville | 1 |
Reese | 2 |
Rich Toft | 1 |
Sandor | 1 |
Scugi | 6 |
Sharon A | 2 |
Sharon H | 2 |
Ska | 4 |
Su | 6 |
Tamps | 6 |
Trent Eman | 4 |
Tytla | 2 |
Webster (The general) | 1 |
Will T | 1 |
Yo | 5 |