Jo Jo’s really isn’t the place I remember from my East Windsor days. I have a very clear memory of a bar just before 5 points on the right (coming from PA, not from Astro)(exactly where Jo Jo's is) that was very dark & smoky inside with a long bar along the left side as you came in & table seating in the remaining area. Nothing like the bar that is actually there. I think I was part of that total recall experiment and my brain cells have been altered. Just the alcohol? It’s a little disturbing to have such a clear memory and to see how wrong it is (for a few years going now). I guess you don’t want me trying to identify someone in a lineup.
I finally got to place a WHHYYY?? call but it ended up being a somewhat wimpy one since I got self-conscious about yelling while in the bar. Next time I’m going to step outside so I can do it justice; otherwise, what’s the point?
The Mahjong contingent was there early for their points but took seats way over at the other side of the bar from everyone else and left as soon as they could. Did they really have other plans -- or did they specifically make them so as to avoid yet another night of the 12 days? It seemed like everyone had showered, but maybe my nose isn’t very sensitive.
Last night was the "Howard" night as well both Howard Jones & Cole Howard made their 1st appearance for 2012. I also finally go to see Mrs. Scugi -- all season I have been hearing "she’ll be here later" or "you just missed her". It’s good to see that the serial killer that I’ve been hearing about that’s been making the rounds of the 12 days wasn’t that smiling gray-haired guy with the REALLY BIG PHONE.
Reese kept saying she was leaving but as I was leaving late in the evening I spotted her hunkered down at a back table with a "nice" looking fellow. We hope to see Reese alive & well tonight and give her more pointers on how to say NO -- convincingly.
And it’s always good to see my future wife, but with her husband & kids there we didn’t get to do much bonding. From what I hear, though, that’s what most of the crowd was waiting to see. Sorry to disappoint, but I will continue to do so for the remainder of the 12 days. And years...
Shot of the day = chocolate covered pretzel. It’s hard to believe they could make a shot that actually tasted like one but it pretty much sort-of did -- especially with the chocolate & salt around the rim.
Lastly, as usual, more of the same discussions, arguments, bar pies, IPAs, stout IPAs (really a thing?), parking spaces gained & lost, musical chairs, non-musical musicians (thank goodness!), belly-aching (or is that just me this morning?), and similar holiday good cheer.
I leave you with: 2 More Things you didn't know about alcohol:
1. Cheap date explained: Women produce only 60 % as much alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme that neutralizes booze, as men do.
2. The calories you burn simply digesting food account for 5 to 15 % of your energy expenditure. Protein & alcohol require the most energy -- so drink up, but only after you’ve had your 28-oz steak!
And finally:
On the seventh day of drinking my true love gave to me:
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