Friday, December 8, 2006

Day 1 stats

Day 1: Charlie Browns, West Windsor, NJ

Day 2 will be held the Nottingham Tavern in Hamilton Square, NJ****


At 4:40 pm, I get the call from Bobo, "Where the *%$ are you guys? Oh, sorry, WHY!!?!"

So its official another Twelve Drinking Days of Christmas is on. And Day 1 was no disappointment. Except if you are CPL. Or Peterman. Neither of whom was in attendance. But if I had to wager, I think Peterman has a better chance of making an appearance. Peterman is someone from the San Jose area TDDoC. CPL is a local horse's arse. And he really p!sses me off.

Hold on a second, did he say the Nottingham Tavern? How stupid is that? I'll tell you: It is really stupid. OK, this just in. ****Day 2 will be at Havana, in New Hope, Pennsylvania for all of you whiners. Man, you people really are p!ssing me off. I need to calm down. Happy thoughts.

And the TDDoC is a time for happy thoughts. And it was a happy time. I arrived to find Bobo sitting at the bar with Uji and the the Other Joe, and the Other Joe's brother Mark. Bobo had already begun the infamous Bobo CB's Beer Sampler having a pint of every tap beer available, except of course for the Bud, Miller, and Coors products. Oddly enough, there are still plenty of tap beers available. I jump into the same rotation. Then everyone else showed up. Many folks also jump in on the Bobo Sampler and the bartenders pick up on this, and seem to remember where everyone is in the rotation, so much so that they even give people crap for attempting to skip the Guinness.

Man these stats are really lame, reminiscent of that crap the Sunnyvale crowd puts out. They p!ss me off two with their "scribe" and giving everyone a point and calling in and all that non-sense. They make me want to take a hostage. Deep breath. Serenity now. Serenity now.

Day One of the TDDoC seems to be the only time we ever get to CB's anymore. Which is a shame, because, really, who doesn't like to see Megan? And of course, she is as lovely as ever. As were all of the women who came out last night. Ladies, you are the best. And you don't p!ss me off. Well, one of you does, and you know who you are.

How about some actual stats:

Best Initial Drink Order -- Donna: Guinness, backed up with a shot of the Patron Silver. Happy Holidays Donna.

Surprise Arrival -- The Tool: This shouldn't surprise anyone, always great when The Tool is in the game

"I forgot you were alive" -- Uji: Welcome back.

Biggest Horse's Arse -- CPL (you expect me to relent?)

Best thing that didn't happen -- Gman taking his pants off. Of course, it's only Day One.

Bar Tab -- $375
Day One -- Priceless

(That bar tab seemed a a little low)

And of course Goettle had his camera. The photos are attached. Please note: I am not a good looking person.

These stats are lame so I will put them out of their misery. See you tonight at Havana.

The players, all receive a point (collect all twelve):

The Other Joe (OJ)
The Other Joe’s Brother (Mark)
The Swede
Billionaire Pat Worth
Not CPL Larry
Porsche Linda

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