Yes, it’s true, this year’s TDDOC will be exactly the same as last year. We’ve run out of ideas. Just be glad….first runner-up in the decision process was the Salt Creek Grille.
Firkin, firkin, what the firkin? Day 1 (not to be confused with Day 0, see below) was at the Firkin Tavern in West Trenton, one of the finest Irish pubs in the land (OK, well they have Guinness on tap so of course it’s an Irish pub.) Once again, the establishment of choice has a new rule that children are not allowed in the booths in the bar area. What hath happened? Is this some move afoot by the US Congress to prevent the TDDOC from training their next generation of revelers? A group takes up residence in the dining room alongside another large table of people (quite obviously the West Trenton chapter of the TDDOC). On the other side of the table is a super-creepy nearly life size Santa that apparently moves when there is movement or noise nearby. His movement is part dance, part walk, and part self pleasure. Do they sell female versions?
The Firkin has some cool menu items. Russ orders up the meatloaf cupcake. Yes, I’m serious, that is a menu item. It comes out, and lo and behold, it’s meatloaf in the shape of a cupcake with mashed potatoes shaped like icing on top. Who would have thought you could get Manhattan-style chef action in West Trenton. But the pièce de résistance was clearly the Irish nachos. What a delightful blend of potato chips, cheese, corned beef, and Russian dressing. It’s just so delicious……uh…….wait…..who ordered the large plate?......uh…..getting full……not tasting so good all of the sudden ……..ugh…..stomach churning….. Still feeling nauseous now thinking about them.
WHERE is the PA chapter?? This is supposed to be a joint night. Are they here? No one knows. Apparently once Donna and Dorian go on their annual X-rated lovefest in Disney, the whole PA chapter collapses under its own weight.
A large contingent of suit and tie wearers (all with essentially the exact same suit) comes in and orders a delicious round of Michelob Ultra and froofy drinks, and more importantly, sucks up major bartender attention. Clearly the day’s session at the Field Sales Conference has just let out. The suit/tie guys get angry staredowns from the TDDOC but to no avail. The TDDOC just hopes that when Bobo shows up, he’ll give them some angry pokes in the chest. Wait….are these guys the PA chapter?
Reese catches me at the bar and asks if I can get the bartender to change one of the TVs to the Steelers game. After standing at the bar for awhile waiting for the bartender to even give me the time of day, I figure the chance of him even granting my request is low, so I decide to appeal to his sense of pity. I said, “can you put the Steelers game on that TV please? My woman is really giving me a boatload of grief about watching it”. He gave me a knowing sympathetic nod and changed the channel right away.
Kaden shows up….Kaden! Seeing a Kaden appearance is nearly as rare as a Crack Pipe Larry appearance. Kaden is clearly now going through a midlife crisis as his hair is now longer than it’s been since he had the afro in college.
Mertz phones in from Day 0 location Isaac Newton’s. The only problem is that it’s Day 1. Excellent! Is it too late to get a point for last night? He then re-enters his time machine and shows up at tonight’s event at the Firkin. If he had just known where we’ll be the next 10 nights, he could have killed off the entire TDDOC in one evening.
BB is enraged that the Firkin dares to display a Magic Hat bar light without having any Magic Hat on tap. He threatens to order some irish nachos and make them into a Malatov cocktail, but then decides not to after realizing that the risk of nausea far outweighs the benefit..
Sophia leaves early to go to choir practice. She returns later with her friend Michelle, who was easily tricked into vowing she'll make all 12 days. Despite having a few drinks, and having just practiced their singing, Sophia and Michelle refuse to lead the group in a vigorous rendition of God Bless America at the bar. Whatever happened to patriotism?
Rebecca shows up late, fresh off her "treatment" at the Quakerbridge Mall. It was unclear exactly what the treatment was, and she was hesitant to say, but I'd suggest that you ask her about it tonight.
Day 1
Firkin Tavern
Stats by Eman
Al Janeck x
Andrew (Gman) x
Billy Bob x
Bobo x
Bode x
Bubba x
Celeste x
Chaty x
Chorba x
Cole x
el Chorba x
Eman x
Eric (Cole son) x
Erin Rodgers x
Gman x
Julian x
Kaden x
Kermit Fitzgerald x
Kevin Duddey x
Lisa Eman x
Mark T x
Marty Velselka x
Martha Velselka x
Matt Pross x
Mertz x
Michelle (Sophia Friend) x
Milot x
Mosso x
Nancy (Erod Friend) x
Pam Toft x
Rebecca x
Reese x
Rich Toft x
Scugi x
Ska x
Sophia x
Su x
Tamp x
Trent Eman x
Tytla x
Yo x
People Attended 41
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