Jo-Jo’s Tavern Day 8
I arrive close to 6 p.m., with my son in tow, looking forward to some famous Jo-Jo’s pizza. Apparently many others have beat me to it. At the bar already enjoying their pies are Celeste, Reese, Howard, Dan, Sophia, Scugi, Maria, and Scugi Jr. As always, Jo-Jo’s is a happening place, even on a Monday night. There is non descript chit chat as we all scarf down as much of the pizza as we can before our stomachs bloat and tell us no more. Of course, we are washing it down with as much Yuengling as possible.
Soon in comes the G-man crew of Su, Andrew, Julian and of course G. Also at this point we have Russ, Kevin, Joe Chub, Joe Ska, Lynn and Sandor. Did they all rent a bus and come together? Parking is an issue here, but really? Hmmm….. More pizzas and beers are ordered and consumed and finally in walks the E-man crew of Lisa, Trent and the big E himself. There seems to be a revolving seat at my table as Dave fills it while there is pizza at the table, but when the eating has stopped, he immediately gets up to mingle and Reese then fills it. We exchange stories of how poorly we felt after the pub crawl on Friday night, only to find out that Celeste’s friend Dave seems to have made out worse than us. Celeste is not feeling well tonight either, a fever she says, or a fever blister, or rocky mountain spotted fever, or was it the boogie fever? Anyway, she’s out early and in walks BPW, who promp tly takes the empty seat next to me. We exchange niceties and it is time to vacate said table so other patrons can now partake of the yummy pizza. Tyler is doing very nicely answering for the 10th time “So, how do you like college?” G-man asks him how UVA is, and Tyler doesn’t have the heart to tell him that he goes to WVU, which is kinda like UVA, but not. There is a V and a U, but no A, so really, not alike at all.
Dorian and Donna come in with Yo and Falvo and newcomers Dawn and boyfriend Scott. Dawn is BPW’s friend, something about them both liking animals. Hence, why they are hanging with us. Dorian and Donna have some strange looking blinking Santas hanging around their necks. When I touched Dorians he growled at me and said back away from the light. Of course I obliged.
Dan is very excited to be coming to the T DDoC and vows to make it for the rest of the week. Falvo, it being his first time, also thinks he is having fun and may do it again. This is how it all starts boys. One or two nights of drinking with old friends and all of a sudden you are sucked in. You have a nickname, you don’t remember which bar you were at last night, where you are going the next night or who may be ramrodding and plotting against you.
Noticeably absent was Cole. Can’t wait to see his new peepers. Missed Goettle tonight as well, guess he is back in Virginia. I will miss his stylish bomber jacket and scintillating conversation. But there are plenty of others to fill his shoes. Folks such as Sneakers O’Toole and CPL.
With only 4 days left of the TDDoC, I urge you to do your best to make it out as much as possible, before you know it, it will be New Years and you will regret not getting off of that couch to drink, argue, drink, eat, drink, debate all thing s real and unreal, and of course drink.
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