3535 U.S. Route 1
Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 919-1179
My GPS tells me to turn through a warehouse. That can’t be right, can it? Oooooh look a sign! Yay! Driving, driving, UPS fence, turn around, find parking lot..enter building, now must find bar. The hostess tries to steal my coat from me, to which I insist I really do want to keep it, and leads me down a windy path to the bar. The lights are dim, the walls and ceiling swathed in red fabric, beads on the windows, and lanterns hanging. There’s even a little harem tent complete with fireplace, pillows, and a mattress – alas, I left my seven veils at home.
The few bar stools are full, I’d convinced a friend to come out for the first time to TDDoC, I see that we’re the first to arrive, so we scope out a small table in the back near other tables and sit down. A waiter expeditiously came over and said “Are you here for happy hour?” “Yes we are!” “Oh, you can’t sit here then. You have to go over there “ So we move. A short while later Rebecca walks in, and I think I recognize her but don’t dare wave since I’d waved and smiled at Scugi at Jo-Jos and he looked at me, then turned the opposite direction and sat down at the bar (I cried, all alone in the corner from the humiliation). Tamps walks in and he and Rebecca somehow sweet talk the place into letting them set up camp in the back and some non TDDoC-ers sit down at the table, so we get our food in BT Bistro sized portions and wander back to the forbidden zone as soon as possible.
Its quiet for awhile. Gman, Su, and crew arrive, and more and more people start trickling in. Conversation is in hushed tones, there aren’t raucous bursts of laughter, and there are more wine glasses and brandy snifters in TDDoC hands than ever before in the history of TDDoC. There are the usual conversations: football, how frickin cold it is outside, where are Celeste and Polo anyway (Polo must have been in the bathroom the whole time, since she wasn’t in the bar), look at Scugi and Dorian in the harem tent…
All too quickly, the time of way higher prices arrives, and many take their leave of the establishment, and the bar clears out to where there are only TDDoC-ers and a random couple in the harem tent. While four of us are sitting at a table talking about wine in the required sophisticated and inoffensive tones, Celeste walks in and shouts that she has arrived. Pat is grilling Ska about the “secret committee” that decides what the next night is, and how this place was chosen, to which Ska repeatedly neither confirms nor denies the existence of such a committee, albeit with a mischievous grin. If however, tonight is magically someplace other than Big Fish, which was much spoken of as the place people wanted to go, there may be some truth to Pat's theory....
The hour has grown to the late, late hour of 9:30, and there are just a few loyal TDDoC-ers left, conversations have gotten a little louder, Yo and Sandor have been in the harem tent for awhile and many fear they have fallen asleep (why was it that only the men went into the tent....?) , allegations are made that the women are carrying sex toys in their purses, and in walks Mertz x 2. No sooner do they get their drinks and sit down does the bartender turn the lights up high and kick us all out – 10:01 on the dot, making the email prophecies of us all getting kicked out come true. Not even pubs in England close this early! Since Rat’s was a resounding example of what happens when you think outside of the box, tonight will be at a traditional Wednesday night TDDoC, the Big Fish.
In attendance were: Andy, Felicia, David, Tamps, Rebecca, Scugi, Dorian, Russ, Yo, Gman, Su, Eman, Lisa, Trent, Denise, Chaty, Pat, Sandor, Gina, Mertz, Cory Mertz, Reese, Ska, Rose, Cole, Shannon (Reese's friend).
Day 4 Total
Alba 2
Andrew (Gman) 3
Art Nuefeld 1
Benny 1
Big Lou 2
Bobo 1
Celeste 4
Celeste Friend 1
Chaty 4
Cole 4
Cory W 1
Cory Mertz 2
Dave (Felicia Husband) 1
Dave U 1
Diane Polo 1
D Mile (Denise) 1
Dorian 1
Ed Rodgers 1
Eman 4
Erin Rodgers 2
Felicia 1
Gena A (Pa) 1
Gina M (Pa) 1
Goettle 1
Gman 4
Howard Jones 2
Jason (Pa) 1
Julian 2
Julie Nuefeld 1
Kaden 1
Katherine 2
Laura 2
Lisa Eman 4
Lou DeAngelo (Pa) 1
Mertz 3
Milot 2
Mosso 4
Mrs Scugi 2
Neil H (Pa) 1
Pat Worth 3
Pods 1
Randy 2
Rebecca 2
Reese 4
Rose 4
Sandor 2
Scugi 4
Sean (Chaty Friend) 2
Shannon (Reese friend) 1
Sharon A (Pa) 1
Ska 4
Stacy (Rose Friend) 1
Steve (Chaty Friend) 1
Su 4
Tamp 4
The Mechanic 1
Trent Eman 4
Yo 2
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