Jo-Jo's Tavern & Restaurant
2677 Nottingham WayTrenton, NJ 08619-4109
(609) 586-2678
Let's hear from Goettle:
Day 2 - Dublin Square stats by Goettle
What’s going on in the world these days? Our gov’t is spending money as if they have the power to print it. We’re politically schizophrenic (or maybe it’s schizophrenically political). The words of a former beauty pageant contestant who quits her public job at the half-way point of her term, whose teenage daughter becomes pregnant and then speaks to her fellow teenagers of the virtues of abstinence – this former beauty pageant contestant’s (it’s not g-man) words are written down and transmitted as if they are unquestioned pearls of wisdom. Clean wholesome TV shows - a thing of the past – replaced by reality shows which are not real in any sense. Day 1 stats come out more than a few days late. The Most Interesting Man In The World is forced to take on a second job at ETS. And I’m told that a Ramrodder - I won’t use any real names, let’s just choose some random, made-up name that in no way could ever be connected with the doer of the dastardly deed – how about Alterway Adenkay – yes, this Ramrodder for the Day 2 location doesn’t even bother to show up. Ramrodding and going AWOL – I’m sure I speak for everyone who has ever participated in a TDDoC event – just SICKENS me.
All of these things should make us sit up and take note. I know they have me a bit rattled, and in scary, unpredictable times like these, don’t we all become “situationally religious”? And in situations like these, what better place to turn than to prayer. And, as we are a Christian nation of Christians, Protestants, Catholics, and other Christian religions like the pesky Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans, Agnostics, Atheists, and Homosexuals along with numerous other less important Christian sects, we will pray to Him and ask Him to come to our aid, unless He is too busy feeding the hungry, clothing the naked (hopefully, not too many hot chicks or at least not with too many clothes), and healing the sick and infirm. So here’s the prayer – it’s borrowed from a recent ex-President – one who thinks the word “nuclear” is spelled with a “q”.
Dear Jesus, through whom all possible things could happen. In this season of drinking and revelry, please let us continue down the road of tolerance and understanding and acceptance of those not like us. And we ask you to smite, with your mighty Sword of Tolerance, anyone who would think differently, since (except for the ones with rabies) we are a peaceful nation of men, women, and pets. Amen.
I can’t speak for the rest of you, but I feel like an immense burden has been lifted and get on with the serious business of being serious. As a result of the intensive lobbying, cajoling, and arm-twisting – some might say “ramrodding” - of one Alterway Adenkay (again, his name has been changed to protect his identity so don’t even bother looking him up in the Bordentown phone book), Dublin Square is chosen as the Day 2 locale. It is fine place, serving some of the finest beers and whiskeys along Rte 130. I arrive late, so these stats will be far from complete, and as I drive around an impressively full parking lot, I run into a departing Scugi, who informs me that they are all downstairs on their way upstairs. Much to my pleasure, upon entry, I immediately run into Ska and Tamp and in short order spot Eman, TrentE, LisaE, Gman, REBECCA, Chaty, Art, Mertz & Son, Polo, Cole, Billionaire Pat Wirth, Celeste, Russ, Katherine, Su, Benny (alas, without the Jets), Rose, BIG LOU, the current reigning “Most Interesting Man In The World” ( ) - and many other folks whose names escape me.
Drinking and talking and talking and drinking, eating, darts-throwing, and learning feats of magic from none other than the Most Interesting Man In The World - this pretty much sums up how we spent our time at Dublin Square. While the drinking and talking and the like were of conventional nature, the dart-throwing was not of your father’s ilk. This was not “throw the darts at the board” and see who has the highest score like the social butterfly jackwagons do in mamby pamby land. For this game our two most real men – Cole and Mosso – line up three paces apart and throw darts AT EACH OTHER. And the winner isn’t judged merely by who can turn the other guy into a pin cushion. It’s who can tolerate the deepest dart penetration in the eye. The first few eye hits didn’t make me cringe too much, but when these two real men started plunging the darts more than feather deep into their own eyes until I saw the point emerge from the back of their heads, well, let me just say, I’ve never seen anyone administer a self-lobotomy in such a crowded place. If Cole starts writing TDDoC stats soon, I’d say the operation was a success.
And one nice feature of the Dublin Square are the private areas just off the bar. The rooms have a TV, nice leather couches, and a cozy fireplace. When one of the rooms becomes vacant, Eman and I seize our chance to get away from the crowds and the tedium and nestle together in front of the roaring fire – that is until 3 other people barge into our lair and rudely intrude into our intimate conversation of “who’s playing the football game on TV” and “what’s the score” and “you had me at hello”. (Oh, well, E-man, we’ll always have Day 2.) We go back to join the throngs and chat with our friends from ETS. And there, from Polo, who I like to call the “anti-Palin”,we learn a pearl of wisdom of such profundity that it must be shared with all of you: “In life, nothing is irreversible”. Examples of it abound everywhere: in your car, you have a gear that, when engaged, enables your vehicle to traverse in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION; when you’re reading a book with a complicated story, you can always RETURN TO EARLIER PAGES, to review aspects of the tale; and if you are playing a game of darts with Cole or Mosso, you can always PULL THE DART OUT OF YOUR EYE.
Thank you, Polo, I think you just answered our prayer.
(Thanks Goettle for the recap. Point Totals with apologies to the ETS Five who I remember, but did not want to screw up their names. But they aren't on the email anyway, for now. -- Ska)

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