Thursday, December 30, 2010

East Coast Day 12 -- WildFlowers, by Gman

I am not sure if anyone else is doing Day 12 stats, so I am submitting this, if someone is, please do not feel usurped and continue as different perspectives are welcomed and encouraged.

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In this crazy mixed up world where Democrats are acting like Republicans, and Republicans are acting… well… like lunatics (no offense to any Republican TDDoCer’s, but you have to admit that some of those Tea Party candidates are pretty wacky… I guess I intend to offend Tea Party TDDoCer’s but in the nicest way possible… please reframe from starting a political debate, the only intent is to be humorous), it’s refreshing to see that Big Lou is remaining true to his ideals and towing the same line that he always does despite how ineffective it is… telling the rest of us how lame we are for not entertaining him better and telling us how much fun he would have if he went elsewhere, while steadfastly refusing to GO elsewhere (the door is RIGHT over there). I am certain that we will soon hear how he won’t be joining us ever again (I swear a wrote this before his declaration and see I was correct)… it happens every year…. I am not sure I would like it if it went any other way… The day 11 at The Metro was a nice selection… they did not have Slocum’s prices but I bet they could make a better Alabama Slammer than Killarney’s (sans Sara) and the food was good.

Day 12
On 12th day the liver had surveyed all it had done the days before and the liver was pleased (pleased to still be functional), so on the 12th day the liver rested and celebrated with family and friends and fed the stomach pizza and everything was good (until the evening when unknown to the liver there would be several bottles of Grey Goose that would need to be emptied and the hands and mouth are up to the task… but that is a story for another day).

The TDDoC descends upon Wildflowers like locusts (no more biblical references) on a harvest, we are here and we want food and drink and we want it now…. As soon as I order my favorite selection, fresh garlic and sliced tomatoes, I am informed by the Mrs. that she left something in the oven at home, I also hear the words “I will go home and turn it off” while getting the look… “I really want you to get in the car and go home and turn it off”… I yell “Damn, Damn, Damn!!” (note: Florida Evans on Good Times circa 1978)… I drive home and save the potatoes and a marriage that has been very good to me.

The Race was all set to go off at high noon, we successfully blocked off Pennington Circle when the police arrived and informed us that what we doing was illegal and that we would be thrown in jail if we did not remove the cars blocking the entrance to the circle. So the race that started out as 50 m and grew to 10 times that amount was postponed indefinitely. Sadly the TDDoCer’s who wanted to see pulled muscles, strained backs, the agony of defeat and the thrill of victory, had to wait for another day.

At last year’s day 12 event, a couple people were left holding the tab, as money was woefully short, so in order to combat that there was an early meeting to devise a complicated system of payment, which used logarithms, derivatives, percentages, tips, tithes (sorry LAST biblical reference), donations, org charts, 10 excel spreadsheets, that made the 1 million pages of the Obama Healthcare Plan look like light reading. Hopefully those who stayed to the end this year faired a little better.

**On to the awards…

Winners of the coveted Purple Moose Award:
Cole, Eman, Lisa Eman, Mosso, Reese, Rose, Ska and Scugi
These Ironmen and Ironwomen attended all 12 days, for 1 month you will each receive the ***“Sacred TDDoC Chalice” and have your name etched on the chalice

The Rookie of the Year Award (ROTY):
This is a bit unconventional because Reese had 5 points last year technically making her ineligible for ROTY, but since she entered the TDDoC late last year, she was deemed a red-shirt freshmen, besides Reese brings A LOT to the table (her adventure spirit trying odd drinks, her magnanimous personality are among the many), thus she is a shoe-in for ROTY. (on a side note, one day I received an email from Theresa Hansen with TDDoC in the subject line, I was like who da eff is this, well… if you see that name don’t just put it in the deleted box it is our Reesey, and I also got the story behind her AOL screen name… don’t tell it Reese, the TDDoC needs more mystery)

I Got Hosed out of the Purple Moose Award (IGHOOTPM):
Trent and Gman
Both got 11 days… both missed Day 7 Princeton Pub Crawl…Trent got hosed because he was unable to attend the pub crawl due to some crazy drinking laws regarding age. Gman’s absence was due to festivities elsewhere

The Come Out of Nowhere Comeback Drinker of the Year Award (COONCDOTY):
This her girls have left the nest (both in college now) and it has freed Rose up to join the TDDoC and she has done it with the full force of her effort, all 12 days…kudos

Bests stats of the Years (BSOTY):
Celeste and Reese
The rookie stat writers have done a stellar job this year with some impressive stats that were funny, witty and captured the essence of stat writing… Bravo!

Best Server Award (BS??):
Sara from Killarney’s
No disrespect to Danielle from Big Fish b/c she is our homey, but I accidently bumped in Sara’s breast and at that point that contest was over (I am admittedly shallow)

Best Rookie TDDoC Award (BRT):
Kim and Shea Wood
They are exactly what is needed to take the TDDoC into the next couple decades

The Ramrod Award (RR)
For ramrodding Rats… well done!!

The I Got Blamed for Ramrodding When I Really Had Nothing to Do with It Award (IGBFRRWIRHNTDWI):
Diane Polo
Blamed as co-ramrodder of Rats falsely (mostly gman’s fault but this year’s TDDoC needed some controversy, so if none exist, sometimes someone needs to manufacture some)

The Attempted Ramrod That was Thwarted by the Alleged Secreto Comite Award (ARRTWTBTASC):
Reese and Mertz
Reese and Mertz tried to ramrod The Tigers Tale but it is alleged that an 11th hour meeting by the Secreto Comite changed the location for unknown reasons. It should be noted that this attempted ramrod was for a good cause. Also, Gman maintains that this talk of secret committees and the boogieman (sp) is just crazy talk, they only exist in your mind

The I Complain Every Year and I Am not Returning Next Year Award (ICEYAIANRNY) – to be renamed the Big Lou Award):
Big Lou
This is like the 7th or 8th year in a row. See ya next Lou or perhaps this is finally the year you make good on that threat

**these awards are all fictional, you will receive nothing except the admiration of those reading this email
***a Sacred Chalice does exist somewhere in my house

See final point tally below….

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12
Firkin Tavern Dublin Square JoJo's Rats Big Fish City Streets Princeton Pub Crawl Slocums Killarney's Chevy's Metro Wildflowers
Stats by Eman Stats by Goettle Stats by Tamp Stats by Reese Stats by Ska Stats by Mosso Stats by Eman Stats by Celeste Stats by Cole Stats by Gman Stats by Goettle Stats by Gman Total
Adrienne (Mrs. Yo) x x 2
Al Janeck x 1
Alba x x x x x x x 7
Amato x 1
Andrew (Gman) x x x x x x x x 8
Art Neufeld x x 2
Ben Taddei x 1
Benny x 1
Big Lou x x x x 4
Billy Bob x x 2
Bobo x x 2
Bode x x x 3
Brandy x 1
Brian Yaros (Mechanic Friend) x 1
Bubba x 1
Caitlyn (Brandy Daughter) x 1
Celeste x x x x x x x x x x 10
Chaty x x x x 4
Cheryl K x 1
Chorba x x 2
Cole x x x x x x x x x x x x 12
Colleen C x x 2
Cory Mertz x x x 3
Cory W x x 2
D Mile (Denise) x x x x x x 6
Danielle x 1
Dave (Felicia Husband) x x 2
Dave U x 1
Diane Polo x 1
Dorian x x 2
Ed Rodgers x x 2
el Chorba x x 2
Eman x x x x x x x x x x x x 12
Eric (Cole son) x 1
Erin Rodgers x x x x x 5
Felicia x x 2
Gena A (Pa) x 1
Gerry N (Mertz Friend) x x x x 4
Gina M (Pa) x x 2
Gman x x x x x x x x x x x 11
Goettle x x x 3
Greg (Celeste Friend) x 1
Howard Jones x x x x 4
Jamie (Scugi daughter) 0
Jason (Pa) x 1
Jeff C (B&N) x x 2
Julian x x x x x 5
Julie Nuefeld x 1
Kaden x x 2
Karen (Celeste Friend) x 1
Katherine x x x 3
Kathy (Amato wife) x 1
Kim Wood x 1
Kimchick x x 2
Larry (NCP) x 1
Laura x x x x x x 6
Lil el Chorba x x 2
Lisa Eman x x x x x x x x x x x x 12
Lori (Cole wife) x 1
Lou DeAngelo (Pa) x 1
Matt (Cole son) x 1
Mertz x x x x x x x x x x 10
Michele D x 1
Milot x x x x x x x 7
Mini G (Brandy son) x 1
Mosso x x x x x x x x x x x x 12
Mrs Scugi x x x x 4
Neil H (Pa) x x x x 4
Nick Taddei x 1
Pat H (Neil wife) x x 2
Pat Worth x x x x x 5
Patricia (Alba Sister) x x 2
Pods x x 2
Randy x x x x x 5
Rebecca x x x x x x x x 8
Reese x x x x x x x x x x x x 12
Riccardo (Alba cousin) x 1
Rose x x x x x x x x x x x x 12
Ryan Goettle x 1
Sandor x x x x x 5
Scugi x x x x x x x x x x x x 12
Sean (Chaty Friend) x x 2
Shannon (Reese friend) x 1
Sharon (Felicia Friend) x 1
Sharon A (Pa) x 1
Sharon's Husband x 1
Sharooz (Celeste Friend) x 1
Shea Wood x 1
Ska x x x x x x x x x x x x 12
Sophia x x x 3
Stacy (Rose Friend) x 1
Steve (Chaty Friend) x 1
Stewart (CSI Stu) x x 2
Su x x x x x x x x x 9
Tamp x x x x x x x x x x 10
The Mechanic x x 2
Trent Eman x x x x x x x x x x x 11
Yo x x x x x x x 7
Yvette (Goettle) x 1
People Attended 39 31 22 31 33 24 37 15 27 29 28 39 355

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