Day 8 will be at Katmandu in Trenton
These stats were written by CPL and edited by gman
Day 7 events:
- CPL’s wife Kathy (aka CPK) gets her virgin TDDoC point, when asked how was it for you, she replies delightful
- Returning to the scene of the original crime is… Polo… SCORE. We recruited Polo in 2001 at the Big Fish and she has made her annual return
- Michele D(the first woman to achieve all 12 days), Jana and Larry (not CP) also make their first (BUT I have been assured not final) appearance at TDDoC 2008.
- Danielle and Gina are behind the bar serving up great drinks
OK, after many hundreds of emails ramrodding(un-ramrodding?) the avoidance of the Route 1 corridor, Day 7 is officially opened up by CPL making a WHYYYYYY!? call to Gman who says "he is almost there" at the Big Fish on Rt 1. For future reference, when G says he is almost there means "bite me, I am not finished breaking one off on seating choice #7 in the G-Man NJ residence and I will be there in an hour or so". After finding the only open seat at the bar (OK, the second of two open seats, one of which was closely guarded by an english accented woman waiting for what turned out to be a friend she had not seen in a long while....yawn, where was I?) Oh yeah, Danielle delivers a Stella and CPL waits patiently for another TDDoCer to arrive..........
Someone appears and CPL gives up his seat to a holiday/birthday weary (see day 1) Laura "the Architect" Costanza....... SKA appears not too long after and is soon followed by Kathy (Mrs CPL aka CPK)....CPL is married? The crowd begins to gather as CPK wanders in to Restoration Hardward to pick up some rusty brackets and arrives after a few minutes to get the second of 2 Reisling's (yuck). Polo shows and apparently she has been shopping at Victoria's Secret and of course claims the item is for herself. At some point to avoid us guessing/seeing as to what the item is, she folds up the 10x10 mini logo'd shopping bag with its contents into the approximate size of a matchbook and tucks it into her purse...... I will resume typing after I stop sweating.....
I am back....
Mertz arrives, and then all at once it seems that Billionaire Pat Worth and friend (name?), Chris and Blair (Americom members), Mertz (no intro required), guy with Ponytail (Mike?), young guy (I know his name but forget) hitting on Laura...., Eman, Tamps, Russ and Ralph,Goettle, Dorian and Donna and Gman and Felicia (Gman's long lost sister's husband brother's uncle's wife i think). Pretty much as Mertz leaves, Scugi arrives.......
Lot's of pocket conversations ranging from "why did I get laid off?" to "i wish i did not have to work anymore" to "i have not seen you since golfing season" to "for the love of pete, I do not want to see any more pictures of grandpa". Su is there as well, but dissapears into the crowd before I can say hi. I can, however, from across the bar see her mouthing "why do you need to drink so much?" to G. G of course is downing the world's palest grey goose and cranberry ever made (recipe: wave the bottle of cranberry juice near the glass of ice and then fill to the top with vodka).... Freight train scheduled for 3am
Danielle is gleefully showing off a new winning streak McNabb tattoo, which usually would cause most Giant fans to moan, but this one appears to be able to adapt to the current (bald version) of Donavan as well as the full blown afro version when needed...............................................................................................................................................
nuff said (its just below the armpit, of course). Not sure if any pictures were taken......
When Dorian and Donna arrive we ask them why they are not drinking with the PA chapter. Dorian starts firing off reasons as if he is a gunman in a tower picking off his prey one at a time. Apparently Dorian is tweaked by the fact that he did not receive points for last night’s attendance at the hockey game. When informed that he would not receive points in the NJ chapter either, he replied “I expected you guys to screw me, I didn’t expect them to. To hell with them, there is no longer a reason for me to drink with them”. Perhaps this is the scandal that we were looking for, point shaving scandals are always good TDDoC fodder…
It seems that airing of grievances has started, now we need to start telling people that don’t show up how disappointed we are in them
Gman, Chaty and Felicia ask for shots, Danielle supplies the shot in this long shot glass capable of handling 4 shots… it was very tasty
Gman is quietly trying to plan a supersecret party (not yet sanctioned by Su and has been in the planning stage for about 6 months ), but he is unaware that he can’t do anything quietly after 4 or 5 vodka and cranberry’s (described above) and a very healthy shot. Gets an elbow in the solar plexis from Su for talking about an unsanctioned supersecret party and nasty looks from everyone not invited to the supersecret party that is unlikely to every happen
Many tales of last years experience at Americana, when the RULE is invoked… what happens at Americana stays at Americana. if you want to know, you will just have to go to Americana when the TDDoC goes on the 23rd (disclaimer: preplanning is illegal and should be avoided at all times, those who preplan are considered ramrodders)
Felicia is married to my brother-in-law’s cousin. Which makes her technically no relation to me but she attends all of our family events so she is family.
CPL and CPK leave around 730 to "finish shopping" and shuttle daughter 1 of 2 to bball practice. No contact with the remote PA chapter (other than those in NJ attendance) at the time of departure....
If I missed anyone in the points please send an email to me only and it will be fixed tomorrow
Adam 1
Amato 1
Andrew 1
Art N 1
Big Lou 1
Bill H 1
Billionaire Pat Worth 1
Blair 1
Bobo 5
Chris Bode 1
Chris from SES 1
Chuck de Palma 1
Cole 7
Paul Conway 2
Conway brother in law Roger 1
Conway niece Ann 1
Conway sister in law Joan 1
Conway wife Jean 1
Danielle 1
Dmile 2
Donna 5
Dorian 6
El Chorba 1
Eman 7
Eric T 2
Felicia 5
German Micheal 3
Gina (Big Fish Barkeep) 2
Gman 7
Goettle 7
Jag 2
Jana 1
Jason 3
Jeff T (Tamps friend) 1
Jeremy V 2
John (Chorba work friend) 1
John Fallon 1
Julian 3
Julie N 1
Kaden 1
Karen (Chorba work friend) 1
Katherine 2
Kurt (Bobo neighbor) 1
Larry (NCP) 1
Laura 5
Lisa Eman 4
Lou D 2
Marissa (Felicia friend) 1
Marissa's twin sister 1
Mary T 1
Maureen D 2
Mel Farris 1
Mertz 4
Michele D 1
Michelle (Chorba work friend) 1
Mike C 1
Milot 4
Mosso 6
Mrs Scugi 1
OJ Marc 4
No Job Rob 1
Pam T (Tamps friend) 1
Polo 1
Randy 6
Rich T (Tamps friend) 1
Rose 1
Ryan G 3
Scugi 2
Sean (OJ Marc friend) 1
Sharon A 2
Sharon H 3
Ska 4
Steve (OJ Marc friend) 2
Su 6
Tamps 7
Tommy (Wendy friend) 1
Trent Eman 3
Uvegas 1
Wendy (Chorba work friend) 1
Yvette G 4
Yo 1
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