Monday December 15th is Day 5. It is at JoJo’s in Hamilton for Pizza, Beer, and MNF with the Eagles.
Then there were three. Just Katherine, Iron Joe and I at the bar. It was late. It was Saturday. Friday Happy Hour is over. The Princeton Pub Crawl was a success. It was a return to tradition and normalcy. It was the first night this year that we returned to a venue(s) from previous years. It was a night that saw the joyous return of Ska and Scuggi. Now it was time to leave the Witherspoon Grill and head out into the mean streets of Princeton. It wasn’t a brisk night, it was down right cold.
The Pub Crawl started at the Triumph (aka ‘umph). Ryan Goettle logged his first point promising to give Julian a run for points total in the junior division of the TDDoC. Even at 1 year old, Ryan knew to stay away from the beer at the umph. He literally nursed a bottle of milk at the bar. As soon as we had a quorum, we finished up our drinks and headed to the Yankee Doodle Tap room. There we found the Milots and the Sterns’ at the bar celebrating Scuggi’s birthday. With Ryan there, our age range spanned 63 years. We grabbed up bar space and ordered up some food. Bobo and Mary left the LMCSS Christmas party early to join us. Who is that in the Tux? Is that Rich Uncle Pennybags? No, it’s Dorian, looking dapper as ever. By his side is Donna, dressed to the nines. Seemingly from no where Ska slips in a side door. He just got back from a H00ker and H@ Your browser may not support display of this image.$h binge at The Haag. The heat in the YDTR is unbelievable, and as they say, if you can stand the heat go to Sotto’s, so off we went.
Sotto’s is a cavernous restaurant under ground. Bobo thought he identified Marlee Matlin Sotto’s, but relized that it wasn’t her, when he said “Hey, is that Marlee Matin?”, and she turned around and said, “No I am not her”. Sotto’s had a 2 piece band, but they were on break when we got there. When we went to the bar, the bartender must have recognized us, because we were asked if that Buffone guy was with us this year. The bartender said he was really into him last year. The cell phone reception is nonexistent in Sotto’s, so I was quite surprised when my phone rang when I was in the bathroom. It seems that it may be like those old radio antennas where if you are touching it and in the other hand you have something really big , you improve the reception. When the band came back out, we decided to head to the A&B.
Like at the first Christmas, there was no room for us at the inn, so we packed up had went over to the Witherspoon Grill ( why didn’t they think of that). It was nice and quiet there so we could talk and enjoy some fine spirits. The evening festivities started to break up.
“I’m heading home, Tamps, you got stats, right”
“Yeah, Tamps has stats, JoJo’s on Monday, right?”
Your browser may not support display of this image.“Good night”
Before I could say anything I realized I was ramroded into writing stats.
Friday nights attendees:
Goettle, Yevette G, Ryan G,Yo, Katherine, Laura, Randy, German Michael, Art N, Julie N, Eman, Lisa E, Cole, Mosso, G, Su, Scuggi, Marie, Milot, DMile, Bobo, Mary T, Dorian, Donna, Chris Botti, Mertz, Ska, Tamps
Point Totals:
Adam 1
Amato 2
Andrew 1
Art N 1
Big Lou 2
Bill H 2
Bobo 4
Chris Bode 1
Chuck de Palma 1
Cole 4
Paul Conway 3
Conway brother in law Roger 2
Conway niece Ann 2
Conway sister in law Joan 2
Conway wife Jean 2
Dmile 1
Donna 3
Dorian 4
El Chorba 2
El Eman 3
Eman 4
Eric T 2
Felicia 3
German Micheal 2
Gman 4
Goettle 4
Jag 2
Jason 2
Jeff T (Tamps friend) 2
Jeremy V 2
John (Chorba work friend) 2
John Fallon 1
Julian 2
Julie N 1
Kaden 2
Karen (Chorba work friend) 2
Katherine 3
Kurt (Bobo neighbor) 2
Laura 3
Lou D 2
Maria S 1
Mary T 1
Maureen D 2
Mel Farris 1
Mertz 3
Michelle (Chorba work friend) 2
Mike C 2
Milot 3
Mosso 4
OJ Marc 3
Pam T (Tamps friend) 2
Randy 3
Rich T (Tamps friend) 2
Ryan G 1
Scuggi 1
Sean (OJ Marc friend) 2
Sharon A 2
Sharon H 2
Ska 1
Steve (OJ Marc friend) 3
Su 3
Tamps 4
Tommy (Wendy friend) 2
Trent Eman 2
Wendy (Chorba work friend) 2
Yevette G 1
Yo 1
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