Day 3 location - Manny Brown's, Newtown PA. Joint event with PA chapter.
Let's start off with "Al Linkevich - RIP". I found that in my pocket this morning written on a napkin, and not just a napkin, but a nicely torn napkin in a nearly perfect rectangular shape. Mertz had given it to me requesting tribute to his father-in-law who had passed earlier in the day. Cheers for Al. I trust he lived a long and happy life, with his only regret being not being able to make it out to the TDDOC. He certainly could be proud of his son-in-law, though, for taking out all of his grandchildren to a bar for TDDOC in 2006.
Attendees: Cole, randy, german michael, mosso, conway, tamps, mertz, big lou, chaty, steve, eman, bobo, dorian, amato, gman, su, julian, felicia, goettle
Day 2 Location: Pete's Steak House, Hamilton, NJ.
Why is it called Pete's Steak House? Well, for its world-famous steaks, of course, that everyone travels for miles around to enjoy. Wait, what's that you say… one in the place is eating steak and most people are eating Italian-type dishes? What are you saying? That you don't like steak? WHY do you hate America?
This place used to be a dump. If you had a job, family, more than $10 in your pocket, owned a car or bicycle, or was a citizen of any officially recognized country in the world, you weren't allowed to hang out here. But now, Pete's has been renovated and now has a lovely drop ceiling, with the ceiling tiles painted a fire-engine red. Why, you ask? Yes, indeed, you should be asking that.
Cole's point is controversial, as it was first reported that he had showed up, no one was there, and then left, and does that mean he gets a point? Then Mosso pipes up "I saw him" as he orders a drink with a $20 bill that has the phrase "Russ, this $20 is yours if you say I was there, Thanks, Cole" written on it. I trust Russ fully and gave Cole a point. Wait, a late report has Cole giving Russ a WHHYYY? call. Controversy solved!
Crack Pipe Larry called in for his point. He was drinking Night Train out of a paper bag in the church parking lot outside his daughters' Christmas concert. Strains of "On the second day of Xmas, my dad drank in the parking lot" could be heard in the background.
Sausage Fest…..Wow!! I haven't seen this high of a guy/girl ratio since the last time I was in a YMCA locker room. (Thankfully at that time the ratio was just 1/0, but you get the point). Well, Su and Felicia did show up, and what woman wouldn't be fired up at the prospect of hanging out with so many hot guys at once? Well, the bad news for them was that they were NOT hanging out with hot guys, but just a bunch of old tired washed up losers (and Chaty). The one moment of a glimmer of non-masculinity was provided by our quick and expedient server Carla, who inadvertently flashed one of these while bending over to get something behind the bar:.
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Why did I accept the task of writing stats for this night? Even with my fertile and disturbing imagination, it's difficult to come up with material.
Bobo and Dorian take off early to wh0re themselves out to the PA chapter, or as they said it "I can't wait to get my hands on some of those ice-cold Miller Lites in a bucket at Miller's Ale House in Langhorne PA".
Things are slow in the NJ TDDOC. We are struggling through our own tough economy..…Ska and Scugi are on travel…..the PA chapter has stolen many of our best and brightest (no one comes to mind)……the Williams chapter has stolen some too. The Williams chapter was started by a group (OK, one person) whose idea of adventure and merriment at the holidays is watching television from a different spot on the couch each night. Apparently the Williams chapter has hit on hard times as well (see below).
The williams TDDoC2008 has no energy either, the different chair per night has dwindled to finding a new spot on the rug to sit on, instead of alcohol we are drinking hot apple cider, the conversation consists on the impacts of bees and cross pollination
Pix for Day 2 can be found at:
All Important Point Totals:
Amato 1
Big Lou 1
Bill H 1
Bobo 2
Cole 2
Paul Conway 2
Conway brother in law Roger 1
Conway niece Ann 1
Conway sister in law Joan 1
Conway wife Jean 1
Donna 1
Dorian 2
El Chorba 1
El Eman 1
Eman 2
Eric T 1
Felicia 2
German Micheal 1
Gman 2
Goettle 2
Jag 1
Jason 1
Jeff T (Tamps friend) 1
Jeremy V 1
John (Chorba work friend) 1
Julian 1
Kaden 1
Karen (Chorba work friend) 1
Katherine 1
Kurt (Bobo neighbor) 1
Laura 1
Lou D 1
Maureen D 1
Mertz 1
Michelle (Chorba work friend) 1
Mike C 1
Milot 1
Mosso 2
OJ Marc 2
Pam T (Tamps friend) 1
Randy 2
Rich T (Tamps friend) 1
Sean (OJ Marc friend) 1
Sharon A 1
Sharon H 1
Steve (OJ Marc friend) 2
Su 1
Tamps 2
Tommy (Wendy friend) 1
Trent Eman 1
Wendy (Chorba work friend) 1
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