Stats by Kaden
Quote from Kaden to Gman: “Nice ramrodding of me into doing the stats.” Hasn’t he heard yet? Gman does not ramrod....
Day 11 Americana Diner:
Day 11 of the 12DDoC was held at the Americana Diner. Note that I do not refer to this as the "NJ Chapter" of the 12DDoC. There is only one original 12DDoC, accept no substitutes. Much like UNC in Chapel Hill is called just "UNC" and all the other UNCs are called "UNC-Asheville", "UNC-Greensboro" and "UNC-Wilmington", etc, so shall I call the 12DDoC the 12DDoC. I refuse to acknowledge a bunch of punks who can't even come up with an original idea and the turn coats who enable them.
The Americana has become a traditional Tuesday evening location due to their rip-roaring karaoke night. I arrive at 9PM to find a bar packed with 12DDoC'ers and various locals eagerly anticipating the start of karaoke. Although there is room at the bar, I have to wait about 5 minutes to get service. I remark to Ska that if I stayed home, I would have been drunk already. The beer selection at the Americana is not bad.
G comes over and blames Goettle for torpedoing Day 10 at the HOB. G and I both agree- eff Goettle. No truer words have ever been spoken!
Goettle is taking pictures of everything. He shows me a picture where, just as he was taking it, the top of G's head pops into the picture. The top of G's head looks surprisingly similar to an ass cheek. G's got top.
Scugi is talking about poker, Tamps is talking about biking, Ska is talking loud. G is wearing a white turtleneck and blazer. Looks like the same outfit that Glenn Campbell was wearing on a Christmas album my parents had.
Karaoke begins shortly after 10PM. The performers are truly horrible. One guy I dub as "Taylor Hicks with black hair". Two guys sing More Than Words. First rule of karaoke- do not sing a slow song. I see a dweebie looking guy (a real square cat looking like 1974) feverishly pouring over the book of songs and he shortly goes up and starts to sing Fight For Your Right. And the crowd goes wild! As luck has it, I am standing next to Ska at this point. We start belting out the words. Apparently I can sing a lot louder than Ska. He looks at me with a combination of fear, pity and envy. Why is it that all these so-called talent shows subjectively select people on their "ability"? Why not just put a volume meter, instead of a microphone, on the stage, and award the title to the loudest singer?
Su shows me some sort of 12DDoC Ten Year Anniversary chalice, but I did not pick up the story that went with it (ie, is it given to the 12DDoC MVP to carry around all year like the Stanley Cup?).
I suffer through several more songs. Goettle tries to convince me to sing "Darling Nikki" with him but I pass (that's more of an Eman thing). When the most ancient of geezers goes up to sing "September Morn", I decide to head home. There is no chance I want to be on the road later when that guy is driving home.
I get home to find Xtine still working on finishing up some Christmas presents. Day 12 attendance is deemed as being "questionable".
Chalice spoken about above is the formerly mythical “Coveted Purple Moose Award”. This story begins at TDDoC 2004 when Gman explains to Michele D that she has won not only the Rookie of the Year Award but also the coveted Purple Moose Award, this honor is bestowed upon the most valuable drinker during the TDDoC. At the time MD was amazed, shocked and honored to receive such an acknowledgment. She subsequently asked about the award ceremony and asked how much space she would need to clear out of awards cabinet to hold this Purple Moose. Gman replied, “that’s easy, there is NO ceremony and there is NO real award”. The Purple Moose Award lies in the fantasy of drinking men and women, it is real only to them. Feeling that this injustice should never be laid on another, MD went into her workshop and toiled for years creating the perfect award. After years of designs and redesigns, she finally displayed the Purple Moose Award at Americana on Day 11 of 2008. And that is how the Coveted Purple Moose went from a myth to reality… either that or MD had an extra glass so she created a commemorative 10 yr anniversary glass… personally I like the former story
See points below (Attendance was heavy as were drinks so I may have missed someone please let me know if you were inadvertently omitted)
Adam 1
Adrienne (Mrs Yo) 1
Amato 1
Andrew 2
Arounkone 1
Art N 2
Big Lou 5
Bill H 1
Billionaire Pat Worth 3
Blair 1
Bobo 5
Brandy (BPW wife) 1
Brendan (BPW friend) 2
Brody 1
Chris Bode 3
Chuck DePalma 1
Cole 11
Paul Conway 2
Conway brother in law Roger 1
Conway niece Ann 1
Conway sister in law Joan 1
Conway wife Jean 1
Danielle 1
Danwebster 1
Dave (Felicia's husband) 1
Dave Peterson 1
Dmile 5
Donna 6
Dorian 7
Earl (Tamp Friend) 1
El Chorba 1
Eman 7
Eman on a stick 3
Eric T 3
Felicia 8
German Micheal 3
Gina (Big Fish Barkeep) 2
Gman 11
Goettle 11
Heather (Judd wife) 1
Jag 3
Jana 4
Jason 3
Jeff T (Tamps friend) 1
Jeremy V 2
Jim Judd 1
John (Chorba work friend) 1
Judy B (Melanie friend) 1
Julian 3
Julie N 1
Kaden 2
Karen (Chorba work friend) 1
Katherine 4
Keith (BLK) 1
Kurt (Bobo neighbor) 1
Larry (NCP) 2
Laura 6
Lisa Eman 4
Liz (Katherine sister) 1
Lori (Cole Wife) 1
Lou D 3
Marissa (Felicia friend) 1
Marissa's twin sister 1
Mary T 1
Maureen D 2
Melanie 1
Mel Farris 2
Mertz 5
Michele D 2
Michelle (Chorba work friend) 1
Mike C 1
Milot 8
Mosso 10
Mrs Scugi 3
Nicole (Americana Barkeep) 1
No Job Rob 1
OJ Marc 4
Pam T (Tamps friend) 2
Pods 1
Polo 1
Rachel (BLK) 1
Randy 7
Rich T (Tamps friend) 2
Rose 1
Ryan G 5
Sage 1
Scugi 6
Sean (OJ Marc friend) 1
Sharon A 2
Sharon H 4
Ska 7
Steve (OJ Marc friend) 2
Stu 1
Su 8
Tamp 11
The Mechanic 2
Tommy (Wendy friend) 1
Trent Eman 3
Uvegas 2
Wendy (Chorba work friend)
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