Day 4 location – Princeton Pub Crawl. We will start at Triumph Brewing Company at 5 PM
The tentative itinerary for the pub crawl is: Triumph, Yankee Doodle Tap Room, Wineberies, the Sotto, and finally the Alchemist & Barrister
Day 3 Stats:
So here we are, the 10th edition of the TDDoC, and the lackluster display of the NJ chapter, normally the stalwart of this grueling event, has been nothing short of pathetic. CPL has more points than his business card and Ska put together, for crissakes. Did anyone read e-man’s stats for Day 2 – I ask you, when’s the last time e-man wrote stats lamer than mine? I am sure that we have sickened most of you with our low energy level and general apathy, while kudos should go to the newly formed PA chapter – their turnout and enthusiasm have been admirable. In fact, it seems that bailout fever has spread from Washington to the Mercer County area. Things have gotten so blasé that I’ve been sending myself “you sicken me e-mails” - bcc, of course, so I wouldn’t know who else is on distribution. BIG LOU hasn’t commented a single time (and then showed up) on how lame we are – that’s how lame we have been.
But fear not, NJ chapter fans from all over this planet. A team of really bored working people – experts on how to fritter away hours at work doing nothing but sending e-mail, dreaming of what bars and parties to go to, and which h00kers to visit - are using what little brain power remains after years and years of drinking, to analyze the situation and craft a comprehensive, no-holds barred solution. And you thought all our congressmen and senators did was figure out ways to bail out the auto industry – they also address the really serious problems in this country. Anyway, since these people are too busy hanging around airport men’s rooms and imagining what their pages look like naked, we’ve decided to take matters into our own hands. Here is what we’ve come up with: sometimes, we suck. We have no Ska, no Scugi. Billionaire Pat Worth has been drowning in Washington politics trying to push thru all kinds of financial reforms. Polo’s busy retracing her steps along the silk trade route. Buffy’s been lost ever since Larry Craig and Mark Foley were booted from Capitol Hill. In short, our primary shortcoming is that we’ve been short on some key people, some tall and some short, and shortly, that will change.
So will we resort to gimmickry to get our mojo back? Do we need rampant, reckless, and contagious displays of le$bianism? (note the clever use of the “$” for “s” to elude the LM e-mail filters) Do we need to hire the “Don’t Tase Me Bro” guy to be blasted by kilovolts of electricity? Do we need badges?
Before you respond, please take note that these questions are rhetorical. We are back. Last night proved it. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. Beer flowed like Coors Light. Laughter was the music. Hijinks abounded. The shenaniganometer ticked up. Yes, “It’s Alive.”
So we’re at Manny Brown’s who must be Charlies’ richer, younger, and prettier brother. The beer selection almost caused e-man to toss off no fewer than a half dozen times. He loves those sweet Belg beers – and who doesn’t besides bobo and goettle and anyone else who has taste and taste buds. And the last time I saw e-man drink them, it was early morning on Groundhog Day, 2007. That day started off just like any day where the first thing to hit your lips before sunup is beer, and it ended just the way you might expect. With a little yak on the ground around lunchtime, but that’s another story.
So who else was there: the lovely and talented tamp, g-man, bobo, goettle, biker friend laura, dorian (sans a$$less chaps), donna, russ, bb (who just flew in from Boston, and boy, were his arms tired), Jason, Milot, Eric T, Adam, Fern, Jag, Jeremy, Kevin, Maureen, Sharon A, Mel (not vic tayback), Andrew, Sharon H., John Fallon, Chuckie D, and others.
Back to Manny Brown’s – it’s set in a strip mall and flanked by a Catholic shop on one side and a gun store on the other – in a 40-ft area, is everything Pennsylvanians need to cling to in these difficult times. The bar is long and narrow, like a bar in an old city neighborhood. There is barely enough room to fit the 4 people from the NJ chapter and the 4 dozen folks from the PA chapter. What would the PA chapter do without us NJ folks? Unfortunately, there’s not enough female traffic passing back and forth in the tight space in front of tamp, and now he is threatening to skip the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd halves of tonight’s Princeton Pub crawl. And speaking of tamp, he is not so patiently waiting for an apology from the American Indians for not clearing the land of the demon-weed tobacco and causing immeasurable suffering in the European settlers who took up smoking.
G-man ramrodded us into discussing his favorite topic – his detest of ramrodding – how ironic can you get? And apparently, the mob wars have abated, as g-man lost the pin stripe suit, red carnation (in the lapel) fedora, and tommy gun. Hey, has anyone seen Fredo lately? He was out fishing earlier this week. Speaking of fishing, my grandpa wanted me to wish you all a merry X-mas.
BB sampled the clams and wings before he had to high-tail it outta there to save his neighbor’s cat and resume his pet detecting duties.
And rumor has it that a certain heretofore absent TDDoC regular will make a grand entrance tonight – you’ll have to come out to see.
And the points totals:
(whatever; check the next post)
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