Address is: 3535 US Highway 1, Princeton, NJ
Their website could use a little work, but the music is pretty cool.
I’m sitting at the computer typing away, Chopin is playing in the background, and in the foreground is a glass of wine, and it’s a good one. Day 8 has not even started, but already the stats are underway. This TDDoC 2007 juggernaut is really rolling, now. We got off to a good start and then slowed down a bit in the early part of last week, but now the train is motoring in a way that would make James Watt proud. (No, not the guy who was worried about the Beach Boys bringing out the “Wrong Element”. The dude who invented the steam engine.)
We’re still missing some of the fan favorites from bygone years. Haven’t seen the Other Joe (OJ), MD, Frank, Cheryl, Polo, and CPL’s business card, though some of us are holding out hope that they will make an appearance, however brief it may be. I on the other hand have a different attitude about their lack of attendance – if those punk-a$$ beot.ches don’t get their collective a$$es out for one nite, one stinkin’ nite for one measly drink, well, let me just say, “Jules, I’ll be on the mother…like a Wolf”
The rest of these stats are brought to you this morning. For some reason I can’t fathom, I woke up this morning with a sore throat, a mini freight train, and this godawful pain in my derriere. It seems I get that pain there every time I drink lots of Guinness with E-man. Gotta make a note to switch to Sam Adams when drinking with E-man. Who came out you ask? A better question is who DIDN”T come out (besides those aforementioned folks above). The attendees, in no particular order were G-man, Su, Julian, Felicia, Milot, Dmile, Liz, Mosso, E-man, Tamps, Collen, Ska, Chaty, Jana, Sage, fan favorite BIG LOU, Lallie & Dave Uvegas, Randy, CSI Stu (aka Case Cracker), Scugi & Maria, Walter “I’ll slap you mothers” Kaden, and Goettle.
So where was I? Oh yeah – Day 8. Day 8 was nearly derailed when the revelers found out that the bar area at the Americana was closed to the public because of a private party. What the eff kind of treatment is that? Especially on karaoke night? Not only do we run up a bar bill that would make our free-spending politicians proud, we’ve got talent. Only our deep-rooted love for America(na) kept us from a full-scale riot. That and we were missing notorious tough guy rebel, CPL. Must have been the retrospective on Tony Danza’s career they were running on the WTB (Who’s the Boss?) channel. Someone please spend $24.99 and buy him a VCR, so he can tape these programming gems in the future and not miss necessary bar brawls. We’re all set to blow out of the place and head to Nottingham Tavern, CBs, or even TGIF or Theos for the amusement value, when Chaty works his magic, consults his oracle, and confidently proclaims that if we wait 10 more minutes, the bar area will be opened up to us. What quick thinking, what fast action, and it didn’t even require groveling or cajoling of the Americana staff or masterful sleight of hand. So the ship was righted and the party continued.
We begin our conquest of the bar by establishing a beach head in a strategic corner of the bar and then airdrop elite crack troops into the center of the bar to split the enemy forces into smaller groups. Then we infiltrate the remaining smaller pockets of resistance with our most daring and charming troops, and voila, we overrun the entire bar and declare victory, mission accomplished. Our surge was the right strategy at the right time, executed by mostly right-handed people. But there’s more to be done. It’s not enough just to occupy the bar. We’ve got to rebuild and repair the wrongs that have been done.
Step 1 in the rebuilding process – we get the people drinking. And the beers and drinks flowed like honey, and it was good.
Step 2 – we get the people singing.
There are about 10 more Steps which would make the total in the neighborhood of 12. Usually we only get to Step 1, so last night represented some real progress, a real breakthrough.
Can you think of a better way to bring out everyone’s “inner ham” than karaoke. Not only are we a good-looking, hard-drinking clan – we’ve got loads of talent. Sage “You Can Call Me Grace Slick” does a rendition of Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit”. Talk about 10 feet tall. And other songs, too. It was marvelous. And it didn’t stop there. Jana “Don’t You Dare Call Me Melanie Again (Goettle)” did a few with my favorite being “Brass In Pocket” – Jana’s special all right. And we also heard from our favorite new rap-meister, Chaty. Digital Underground? They don’t know “Humpty Dance”. Sugar Hill Gang? Chaty spits on all of them with a “Rapper’s Delight”.
Even the “BIG LOU Band” made an appearance doing a little thing about Santa Clause Comin’ to Town. With Big Lou on lead vocals, backed up by E-man and Goettle, the crowd went wild.
But the highlight of the night by far was E-man and Goettle singing (well, if you could call it that) the Foo Fighters cover of the Prince song “Darling Nikki“. Now, while the other singers could carry a tune and sing melodies on-key, E-man and Goettle showed how having a stage presence and connecting with the audience (or the guy standing right behind you) can be the difference between a disaster and a train wreck. “Grind Goettle Grind”. The distinction here is that a disaster is something you generally read about or avoid if you can, while a train wreck is a thing from which you desperately try to avert your eyes but cannot. You watch it with a strange fascination bordering on disbelief or denial. You think “This really can’t be happening – we’re nowhere near the Village, and Goettle’s a$$ seems to be stuck in E-man’s crotch. And E-man keeps repeating ‘Grind Goettle Grind’. Please make them stop. My eyes must be playing tricks.” But no your eyes aren’t playing tricks. And here’s the proof.

I’m sure that E-man would like to apologize to all of you for any lingering disturbing images that may have burned into your brain. And while you await his contrition, I (Goettle) will wait for his phone number and the password to his Myspace page.
Simultaneous with all of the singing, there’s much conversation and merriment. I listen with amazement to the stories of guys hitting on Ska and Dave Uvegas and share some of my own, but Mr. Uvegas spills out the whopper of the evening. You see, one time while he was in San Francisco, he went to a “club” with some “friends”. You with me so far? Well, at this “club” there was “entertainment” of the adult variety. The open-minded and always-ready-to-try-new-things Mr. Uvegas received the undivided and undisputed attention of one of the “dancers” – in fact, you might say that this bounty from the heavens above landed right in his lap. So what you say? Well, how many people of the male persuasion do you know to get a lap dance from a scantily, meretriciously clad (she)male – in front of hundreds? We don’t know wear he/she hid “it”, But you also have to hide “them”, too, as they come as a complete “package”. Something to think about for tonite. There’s been a lot of g@y stuff this TDDoC. Thank god, E-man and Goettle are straightening this thing out.
Speaking of g@y and “defending marriage”, I got a question for everyone to consider. What exactly are our esteemed politicians defending marriage from? Are they worried that if men find out they are allowed to marry other men, they will stop pursuing women? Somehow, I can’t see any of the married men I know, throw over their wives for a dude with either a clean-shaven or hairy @ss. Enough of the politics – it seems to be getting into everything these days.
And before we leave these stats, everybody raise their glasses (proverbial) to Kaden who kept his DiMaggioesque streak alive (I’m talking Dom not Joe). A little taunting and a few veiled threats about a person’s sexuality (plus some photos to back these threats up) can go a long way to getting folks out. And we had a couple of newcomers in our midst – welcome Liz and Lallie who took a break from their TV show to sing a few songs for us.
Points total:
Eman 8
Ska 8
Gman 8
Su 8
Goettle 8
Tamps 8
Milot 6
BB 4
Big Lou 6
Bobo 3
Donna 4
Pods 3
Julian 5
Chaty 5
Lisa Eman 4
Trent 4
Laura 3
DMile 4
Jeff 2
Billionaire Pat Worth 2
Millionaire Brandy 2
Scugi 4
Rose 2
Yo 3
Mertz 2
Neufeld 2
Chris Bode 2
Tmac 1
Yvette 2
Mrs. Scugi 2
Uvegas 2
Lallie 1
Nancy HP 1
Mindy 1
Dino 1
Caitlyn 1
Mini G 1
Randy 2
Big Al 1
Lauren 1
Anna 1
Beth 1
Yvette(non Goettle) 1
Dorian 2
Melanie 123 1
Jennifer 1
Cairo 1
Cairo's cousin Joe 1
Tony Sal 1
Steve (Chaty's Friend) 1
Alli 1
Kentucky Iris 1
CSI Stu 2
Cory G aka C-note 1
Szwech 1
Jim 1
El Chorba 1
Chorba 1
Lil' Chorb 1
Brooke 1
Dan 1
Hop Girl Suzanne 1
Nikki 1
Ken 1
Chuck DePalma 1
EC Julie 1
Chris Allen 1
Conway 2
Cory Mertz 1
Jana 2
Sage 1
Julie (WC) 1
Katherine 1
Mosso 3
Robinmandm 1
Sandor Metler 1
The Swede 1
Will 1
The Mechanic 1
Felicia (Gman Family - GF) 2
Jean C 1
Don (Emans Friend - EF) 1
Lisa (EF) 1
Jenna (EF) 1
Keith (BigLousKid - BLK) 1
Rachel (BLK) 1
Randy (Chaty’sBitchAssFriend – CBAF) 1
Liz 1
Kaden 1
Colleen 1
Dex 1
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