Some night’s it seems like it is the best TDDoC night ever. Friday was one of those nights.
But first, tonight, for Day 7 we’ll be at Alstarz Sports Pub, 140 US Highway 130 Bordentown, NJ 08505 (next to Mastori’s) (609) 291-0200.
It was a brisk night in Princeton and with the promise of 2 of the TDDoC charter members returning from the west coast there was a chill of excitement in the air. I arrive at Winberrie’s, our first stop on our Princeton pub crawl at 5:30 with Art and EC Julie. There is something about a pub crawl that can change a reasonable man into Mussolini. WC Julie, Will, and Scugi are in Winberries. Will is sporting a very stylish beard. This is the kind of hipness we lack on the east coast. Julie informs us of new TDDoC chapters being established in Chicago and beyond. We quickly fill up the little free bar space as Laura, G, Su, Yo, Goettle, Yvette, Jana, The Swede, Big Lou, BB, Chris Bode, Sandor Metler, Milot and Dmile soon arrive. Ska arrives and reports that Mertz checked in from Syracuse and on his way with his son Cory. Our group too big for this place so we start to crawl. A scouting party goes out to the Tap Room and returns a report that it is pretty empty. Mussolini barks out the command to drink up because we are leaving. He is met with disregard and blank stares. We finish our drinks and file out of there like someone broke wind.
The Tap room is not as empty as reported. It is filling up quickly. It seems that the Princeton Ski Club (PSC) was riding on our coat tails and meeting there also. We lock up a bar stool so we can order drinks. Katherine arrives and comes over to get a drink. She says she was talking with our friend Ned. Eman and I look at each other and say there is no Ned on the TDDoC. Yo also makes friends with some crazy woman that want’s him because she loves married men. It was weird and getting weirder. The PSC brings out Chris Allen for his second accidental TDDoC point at the Tap Room. Next to our bar stool there is a guy playing online poker and Scugi wants to make love to him. It is time for another round and I’m getting a bunch of drinks. It seems the word is out among bartenders on Laura and her glass breaking problem. Her drink is the only one that comes in a plastic cup. Once again we are too big a group for the bar and a scouting party consisting of BB and Will is sent out to the Witherspoon Grill. It seems that a group of about 10 lingerie models decided to go there for HH straight from work. I haven’t seen that much skin since the TDDo4thoJ. BB refuses to leave so we make it our 3rd stop. Mussolini return’s and with a commitment to get the pub crawl running like the trains in Italy, issues the order to leave. Again it is met with inaction.
Shortly after we arrive at the Witherspoon, the lingerie models disappear. Did Goettle get a picture of them, no, but he did get a picture of Will’s legs. Our group now includes Paul Conway, Mosso, Mertz, Cory Mertz, RobinM&M, and Rose. Yo has nothing on Joe as he gets hit on by someone in a beautiful fur coat. The only problem is that under that fur coat is a man. With the clock ticking and a minimum of 4 stops needed to have a pub crawl. Mussolini demands that we leave and head over to Sotto’s. He is met with rebuttal, “I just ordered food”, “We’re moving again?”, “Good, this place sucks”.
In Sotto’s we find a good 80’s rock band playing angry girl songs. Will has now hit the wall. He is on the ropes. He says he needs some air, and I translate that to he is going to puke. I shuffle him up the stairs and outside to a bench on the side walk. I say “It’s cold out”. Will, now in a kilt, replies “You have no idea”. He searches repeatedly through the 6 pockets in the kilt for his cigarettes. After he gives up, Eman walks by on his way home and hands him the cigarettes, but now Will can’t find his matches.
Our fifth and final stop is the A&B. Some drunken girl named Heather comes up to me and says she knows me. She looks familiar, but I think I don’t know her. We start going over our recent past. I ask her was she at JoJo’s on Monday, or Al’s on Tuesday, or City Streets on Wednesday, or Isaac’s on Thursday? She replied “You drink a lot”. It turns out she was sitting across the bar from me at Big Fish the previous week. With our numbers dwindling and last call at 1:30 upon us, we make a drunken call Taddie and head home.
Day 6’s Attendee’s
Art Neufeld
Big Lou
Chris Allen
Chris Bode
Paul Conway Paulconwayus@Yahoo.Com
Corry Mertz
EC Julie
Sandor Metler
Points total:
Eman 6
Ska 6
Gman 6
Su 6
Goettle 6
Tamps 6
Milot 5
BB 4
Big Lou 4
Bobo 3
Donna 3
Pods 3
Julian 3
Chaty 3
Lisa Eman 3
Trent 3
Laura 3
DMile 3
Jeff 2
Billionaire Pat Worth 2
Millionaire Brandy 2
Scugi 2
Rose 2
Yo 2
Mertz 2
Neufeld 2
Chris Bode 2
Tmac 1
Yvette 1
Mrs. Scugi 1
Uvegas 1
Nancy HP 1
Mindy 1
Dino 1
Caitlyn 1
Mini G 1
Randy 1
Big Al 1
Lauren 1
Anna 1
Beth 1
Yvette(non Goettle) 1
Dorian 1
Melanie 123 1
Jennifer 1
Cairo 1
Cairo's cousin Joe 1
Tony Sal 1
Steve (Chaty's Friend) 1
Alli 1
Kentucky Iris 1
CSI Stu 1
Cory G aka C-note 1
Szwech 1
Jim 1
El Chorba 1
Chorba 1
Lil' Chorb 1
Brooke 1
Dan 1
Hop Girl Suzanne 1
Nikki 1
Ken 1
Chuck DePalma 1
EC Julie 1
Chris Allen 1
Conway 1
Cory Mertz 1
Jana 1
Julie (WC) 1
Katherine 1
Mosso 1
Robinmandm 1
Sandor Metler 1
The Swede 1
Will 1
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