Day 11 started out just like any other of these infernal days – with a bit of numbness, a small headache, and thoughts that maybe next year we ought to try the 16 Drinking Days of Christmas.
It’s more than a little disappointing that we are going to miss Conte’s on Day 12 this year. It’s kinda like finding out Meccais closed during Rosh Hashanah or that your synagogue is closed for Easter. Alas, we must endeavor to persevere. We must make due. We must come up with Plan B. And so we have.
Day 11 for me began with an early dinner at Conte’s with Scugi, Maria, and Yvette. No doubt, Scugi will soon be lobbying for Day 11 points, even though he did not make it to the appointed location, New Hope’s Havana’s, just across the river from Gitmo – rumor has it the waterboarders like to hold their X-mas party there.
I arrive at Havanaand forgot to bring my lawyers, guns, and money, but luckily there’s an ATM machine there that charges $1.00 for every $10.00 you take out. But prior to the ATM visit, I spy E-man at the outside bar with Dorian and Donna. Poor E-man. He looks like he’s been drinking all month – hmmm, maybe he has. Despite Donna and Dorian’s best efforts to amuse and entertain him – Donna had Dorian in a box and was sawing him half lengthwise (anyone can do it across the body) - the toothpicks propping E-man’s eyelids open kept breaking like in a Bugs Bunny cartoon. Even our curvy, young, supple, blonde bar tenderess, parading topless behind the bar to and fro, could not penetrate his numb, blank stare. Perhaps, E-man was up all night in anticipation of hearing his new nickname – “fresh meat” – non-stop in New Hope, because surely, by now, his karaoke photos from the Americanahad made the rounds in New Hope, Key West, and the Village. Or was it the “WHHHYYYYYYY” call E-man received from Blair Marshall at 4:30 PM – Blair’s first night out (and it’s about friggin time).
Whatever the reason, it’s more than a little interesting that G-man and Su scurried to the inside bar at Havana upon seeing Donna make that initial cut into Dorian, though Su was heard to say, “Gary, that looks like fun. You should try it. Oh, by the way, that Met Life thing is paid up, right?” Gary’s reply was something along the lines of “Been there (last year), and done that – would prefer a different trick.”
Our Day 11 attendees were Dorian, Donna, Sharon, Blair, E-man, Ska, Tamps, Big Lou, Mertz, Art, Julie, Rose, Gman, Su, Goettle, and Yvette – gotta say it was a little disappointing for a Friday nite in New Hope. I think that I’ll award Scugi a “provisional point” for this day and await his arguments on why it should be officially recognized for all time. Aside from D & D, where were all the Pennsylvaniaregulars? BB – out of town, the Swede – out of town, Pods – MIA?, Bobo – hanging with his neighborhood homeboys?, CPL – WTB marathon or date with his crack dealer, Chuck de Palma – out of town.
A few of us are smart to move inside to avoid the cover charge for the barely too loud band – but Dorian, Donna, and Sharon attempted to concoct some kind of scheme to get Havana to pay them for entry. But we’re not so sure they thought this thru adequately, as we did not see them for the rest of the evening. Maybe they visited Gitmo to taunt the prisoners.
The only conversation topic I can remember – the various styles of how women fight each other. You’ve got the conventional hair-pulling and the more modern bare-knuckled punching, but then we learned about a bizarre weapon some women employ: the bizarre beehive hairdo. Not sure if actual bees are what make this effective. Still, no matter what the form fighting takes, it’s always best when it the participants are wearing bra and panties and a shallow pit of mud is involved.
And if I could remember anything else from Friday night, I’d share it with you. Gotta get ready for the TDDoMLK – it’s just around the corner.
Points total:
Eman 11
Ska 11
Gman 11
Su 11
Goettle 11
Tamps 11
Big Lou 9 (not sure this isn’t supposed to be 10)
Milot 7
Julian 7
Chaty 7
Donna 7
Scugi 6 + 1 provisional point for Day 11
Lisa Eman 5
Mosso 5
Laura 4
DMile 4
Billy Bob 4
Yo 4
Billionaire Pat Worth 4
Dorian 5
Mertz 4
Pods 3
Bobo 3
Randy 3
CSI Stu 3
Big Al 3
Yvette 4
Mrs. Scugi 3 + 1 provisional point for Day 11
Conway 3
Felicia (Gman Family - GF) 3
Neufeld 3
Rose 2
Millionaire Brandy 2
Jeff 2
Bode 2
Uvegas 2
Jana 2
Katherine 2
Big Al’s Pat 2
Liz 2
Tmac 1
Lallie 1
Nancy HP 1
Mindy 1
Dino 1
Caitlyn (Brandy daughter) 1
Mini G (Brandy son) 1
Lauren 1
Anna 1
Beth 1
Yvette(non Goettle) 1
Melanie 123 1
Jennifer 1
Cairo's cousin Joe 1
Tony Sal 1
Steve (Chaty's Friend) 1
Alli 1
KentuckyIris 1
Cory G aka C-note 1
Szwech 1
Jim (Charming) 1
El Chorba 1
Chorba 1
Lil' Chorb 1
Brooke (Charming) 1
Dan (Charming) 1
Hop Girl Suzanne 1
Darling Niki (Charming) 1
Ken (Charming) 1
Chuck DePalma 1
EC Julie 2
Chris Allen 1
Cory Mertz 1
Sage 1
Julie (WC) 1
Robinmandm 1
Sandor Metler 1
The Swede 1
Joe Willie 1
The Mechanic 1
Jean C 1
Don (Emans Friend - EF) 1
Lisa (EF) 1
Jenna (EF) 1
Keith (BigLousKid - BLK) 1
Rachel (BLK) 1
Randy (ChatysBitchAssFriend CBAF) 1
Kaden 1
Colleen 1
Dex 1
Melissa (polo friend) 1
Bernadette (polo friend) 1
Porsche Club Linda (Bright Eyes) 1
Liz Clancy 1
Danielle 1
Larry Not Crack Pipe 1
MD 1
Mel 1
Ben Mcmichael 1
Alexis the Santino barkeep 1
Blair Marshall 1
Sharon1 (made Club 10 in 2005)