Day 12 arrives....Wildflowers is the place, in the lovely hamlet (circle actually) of Pennington NJ, the only restaurant/bar open in central NJ on Xmas Eve. Gman opens the festivities with an impassioned "Eff Conti's" speech, as they are now simply an afterthought as Day 12 location. Day 12 is family and friends day of the TDDOC, where not only are family remembers welcome, but are actually required. Ska and Mosso show up with some 14-year olds that they found playing the bowling bar game at Ernie's in Robbinsville in order to meet the "must have family" requirements .(Russ could have brought his actual son but didn't think of it.)
The place was crawling with TDDOCers. 44 people was the count! Props to Tamps for making a last-second reservation for 25 at Wildflowers, even though he couldn't make it because he had to deliver toys to all of the good Tampellini boys across NJ. 25 was clearly way to few, but it beat trying to cram all 44 into a booth for 4 (also known as Option #2). Extra tables were trucked in from Conti's to accommodate all of the partygoers. Given the plethora of teenagers amongst the TDDOC offspring, the future looks bright for the TDDOC to carry forward into the future.
Ska starts to share a story from his college days that begins with "let me just share that I've spent a lot of time in locker room showers with naked guys"..... I don't remember how it ended but if anyone wants to fill in the blanks, feel free. He also shared a long lost story about he and Eman being in the Astro "6-man gang shower" with a full house after a lunch time workout, and Eman spotting a bar of soap near the drain and asking Ska if he could "bend over and pick it up for me ". Never has a locker room shower been more silent. I'm not sure the rest of those guys have showered since.
Mertz shows up with Cory Mertz. Gman shows up with Cory Williams. Will there be a Cory-off?
The real Eman on a stick (actually, Emen on a stick I guess, as there are 2 of them) makes a triumphant return to cries of "Bravo, Eman", and "Man, Eman looks bad in pictures".
Scugi once again proudly shows off his medal bestowed upon him by the PA chapter. Never mind that the picture on the medal is of a woman swimming. Scugi isn't a woman and rarely swims, but he does watch women's swimming very closely during the Olympics. Chaty reports at one point that Scugi has showed him the medal for the 6th time in the last half hour.
MD and Larry (not CPL) attempted call-in points from Hawaii, but were denied since it was not a business trip (although they may have been doing some "business").
At some point Bobo climbs up on a bench to toast those who made all 12 days. Unfortunately only 4 of them were still there, as 2 had already left early to attend the PA chapter Day 13 with Dorian, Donna, and the park hobo from Day 11.
Final toll: 57 pizzas, 101 pitchers of Yuengling, 1 large glass of ice water, and one damaged wall sconce , and it was NOT Kimchick's fault, despite what you might read on Twitter . How the waitress survived and didn't kill us all is beyond me. Ska played banker and reported that money donated was within +/- $100 of the amount needed and he called it even.
Some 2009 Awards:
Best Dressed: Benny, for never being seen without a suit. At least not by us. Who knows what he was wearing during the day?
Quality Over Quantity: CPL, for cramming 24 hours of drinking into 2 nights
Won't Be Allowed Out Ever Again: CPL (see above)
Most Ripped Award: Is there really any doubt here? A clue: part of his nickname, translated extremely poorly into Spanish, is "Pipa de Cracka".
Breakout Award: Cory Mertz, for being (I believe) the first in TDDOC history to pass from soda-eligible to being a government-recognized legal drinker. Bravo, Cory, and you'll soon be an "elder" as the rest of us travel ever so speedily to the nursing home. The question is: Once he takes over, will he pardon Goettle and Tamps and restore the Glenn Burtnick point from the late 90's?
Youngest Point: Andrew, at less than 2 months old.
Abused Child Award: Andrew, at less than 2 months old.
"It's Just Too Inconvenient" Award: Billy Bob, who was unable to make any of the days in NJ or even in Newtown, PA, due to the long drive from his home and work location in Newtown, PA.
"It's Not That Inconvenient" Award: Goettle, for taking trains, planes, and automobiles across many state lines and even the Mason-Dixon Line to still make more nights than the majority of Mercer County residents.
Longest Travel Award: That darn Goettle, traveling across all of those state lines and making Big Lou's trek from Conshohocken PA seem as easy as CPL stopping at a bar on Route 1.
"12-pack" Awards: Gman, Su, Mosso, Cole, Scugi, and Milot for doing all 12. Nice work, and now good luck picking up the pieces of your tattered lives.
"I Brought A 12-pack But I Dropped One In The Parking Lot And It Broke" Award: Yo. Almost, man.
Evil Villian Award: Walt Disney, for creating some ridiculous resort in Florida which hosed Eman out of 3 potential points.
Ramrod Award: Trent, for twisting arms to get Day 7 scheduled at City Streets, home of "world's greatest quesadillas"
Abused Child Award 2 : Trent, for not being able to attend Day 7 because "Mom had to work late and then didn't have time to take me to the bar".
Happy Deja Vu Award: Not-CBs, for being able to not achieve the same charm that CBs never had.
Woman Swimming In The Water Award: Scugi. Ask him.....he's got the medal to prove it.
Dumb Idea Award: A lunch at Conte's between Xmas and New Year's, that can serve as a "make up" day for those missing a point? Are you really serious?
Secret Stalker Award: Dorian and Donna for stalking the NJ chapter until they agreed to take them back in. OK, they were always IN, and the by-laws would actually prevent anyone from being OUT even if they wanted to be. But they like us better.
Monkey Off My Back Award: Kimchick, for working in some breathing room in his point lead over Trent.
I Don't Want To Be In The Lead Award: Gman, for now having the career lead in points and claiming to not want it.....even though we all know that he badly does.
Rookie of the Year: In the most hotly contested competition since Year 1, Rebecca edges Alba 10-9. Excellent rookie campaigns also from Reese (5), Erin (5), and Celeste (4). Norm finishes with a strong 1. Gman retained his ROTY eligibility for next year by only showing up 12 times.
Rookie Bar of the Year Award: Slocum's. Bathing pierogies in melted cheddar cheese and turning off the jukebox during football games? How can you beat that? Then throw in a reality-TV talent show on all TVs with the volume cranked and you have the recipe for some first-class entertainment.
Raving Effing Lunatic Award: None...but if there was one, it would have been someone during Day 3 at the Princeton Pub Crawl
Comeback Award: Gman, for making Day 3, despite some corrective surgery that morning involving a bag of frozen lima beans
Cost-Conscious Award: In these difficult economic times, it was refreshing to see Gman refrain from spending a lot of money on drinks at the bars, instead opting to simply bring a bottle of Poland Spring water from home and enjoy that instead.
Friendliest Bartender Award: Old guy from Ernie's, who after Scugi asked him to turn down the sound on the jukebox because he was watching Jeopardy, responded with "Deal With It."
Coveted Purple Moose Award: None. Once again, no one was worthy of this prestigious honor.
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the Twelve Drinking Days of Martin Luther King's Birthday, which starts Wednesday, Dec. 30. Yes, that's right, back to hell. Rumor has it Ska is hosting a road trip to McSorley's in NYC for Day 1.
As always, the TDDoC was a lot of fun, BIG ‘props’ go to everyone for participation.
During the winter months we do a midweek happy hour every Wednesday typically we are at Big Fish (but not exclusively, we are open to any good or bad idea). If you want to know where we are send me, ska, tamp or eman an email and we will let you know where we are. We also continue that during the summer but it is slightly modified, first some of us golf at PCC, then after golf (around dusk when it is too dark to golf) we meet at Big Fish (during golfing season it is pretty much all the time Big Fish because of ease after golfing).
Noticeably Absent on TDDoc 2009
Dave, Linda and Laura Chorba, Mary Taddei (on IR), MD and Larry Not Crack Pipe (LNCP), Melanie, Jana, Tmac, Buffy, The Conways, Arounkone, Stew, Chaty’s bitcha$$ friend, No Job Rob (is he still unemployed or is that a lifestyle for him), CPK, Xtine, Juddy and Heather, Mel Farris, Dave U… et al….Hope you guys can make it next year...
Day 12 - Wildflowers stats by Eman
Adrian 1
Alba 9
Alba Daughter 1 1
Alba Daughter 2 1
Alli 1
Allison (Big Al) 1
Amin (Jana Friend) 1
Andrew (Gman) 7
Angela (Benny friend) 1
Art Neufeld 2
Ben (Bobo) 1
Benny 8
Big Al's Pat 1
Big Al's Pat's Friend 1
Big Al's Pat's Friend's Wife 1
Billionaire Pat Worth 4
Bobo 4
Bode 3
Bonnie Polo 1
Brandy 2
Brett S 1
Bubba 2
Buttercup (PB ¬ for Princess Bride) 1
Caitlyn (Brandy daughter) 1
Celeste 5
Chaty 7
Chaty¹s friend Steve 3
Chaty¹s wife 2
Cheryl 6
Christine S (C-Sel) 2
Chuck D 2
Cole Howard 12
Colleen 1
Cory Mertz 2
Cory W 1
CPL (Crack Pipe Larry) 2
Dave (Felicia¹s husband) 3
Dmile 8
Donna 4
Dorian 5
Ed Rodgers 3
Ed/Erin Rodgers Son 1 1
Ed/Erin Rodgers Son 2 1
Eman 9
Eric T 1
Erica (Kim's Friend) 1
Erin Rodgers 5
Felicia 7
German Michael 3
Gman 12
Goettle 5
Hans 1
Harry 1
Heather C 2
Heather S 1
Jackie Polo 1
Jamie (Scugi daughter) 1
Jason 1
Jerry (Mertz friend) 1
Joe (Yo's friend) 1
John W 1
Julian 6
Julie Nuefeld 1
Kaden 1
Katherine 3
Kim (Rose daughter) 1
Kimchick 10
Laura 4
Lisa Eman 7
Lori (Cole Wife) 1
Lou D 1
Maria (the Swede) 1
Mark P (x-S/A guy) 1
Martha 1
Mertz 5
Mike Sterns 1
Milot 12
Mindy 1
Mini G (Brandy son) 1
Mosso 12
Mrs. Scugi 2
Nick 1
Norm 1
Oscar 1
Pam Toft 1
Pods 6
Polo 3
Randy 4
Randy¹s Coworker from Jacksonville 1
Reese 5
Rich Toft 1
Rose 3
Ryan 1
Sandor 3
Scugi 12
Sharon A 2
Sharon H 4
Ska 11
Su 12
Tamps 10
Trent Eman 6
Tyler (ReBecca son) 1
Tytla 2
Webster (The general) 2
Will T 1
Yvette 2
Yo 11
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