As a number of you are new to this event, we will bring back the familiar and ever popular Q&A format.
Q: What is DTBDRHH #11.
A: It is the 11th annual DT Burning Daylight Rolling Happy Hour. This is a bicycle ride starting at Washington Crossing SP and proceeds across the bridge into Pennsylvania and then heads north to New Hope-Lambertville stopping at various establishments en route to and while in New Hope-Lambertville. At some to be determined time, we will head south from Lambertville back to our starting point. The ride takes place primarily on the Delaware Canal tow path in Pennsylvania, and the D&R Canal tow path in New Jersey, though at times we will be on some local streets.
Q: OK. I understand part of the name. Why Burning Daylight?
A: Originally it was envisioned that the ride would finish up at the starting point as darkness fell. But the main group of cyclists has NEVER completed the ride before it gets dark. And well, after it gets dark, it doesn't get any darker so the ride tends to finish much later than sunset.
Q: How much later?
A: It will be dark by 9PM. We have returned anywhere from 10PM to as late as midnight. But all are free to depart from the main group at any time.
Q: So I should prepare to be riding in the dark if I stick with the main group?
A: Yes. If you have a light for your bicycle you should have it ready. And for some of you clutzes, a helmet isn't a bad idea either.
Q: Who are you calling a clutz?
A: You know who you are. Truth is, only one person has been injured ever. He is just a hazard.
Q: It is not Art, is it?
A: It is NOT Art.
Q: I think you should tell me who it is.
A: That isn't a question.
Q: What if I don't ride, can't ride, or just want to stalk someone that I know will be riding. Can I still participate?
A: YES! Many people just come to the various happy hour locations. We have a schedule that we hold to early, then we make known the next location and when during the evening, so this is never a problem. Current plan:
5:00PM - DEPART Washington Crossing State Park, NJ. This is a hard start at 5PM, come much later, and you will be chasing us.
5:10PM - Arrive Washington Crossing Inn, Washington Crossing, PA for team "synchronization" and team assignments.
5:30PM - Depart for tow path to New Hope.
TBD - Possible "resyncronization".
6:30PM - Arrive Havana, New Hope. (Typically a little earlier)
TBD - Depart for Logans Inn. Time is at Ride Leader's discretion.
Other stops (times TBD): New Hope #3, Lambertville Station, Inn of the Hawke. Any changes will be communicated to all participants
Q: What if there is some difficulties? Or mechanical issues?
A: We will have a SAG wagon to help out. Of course, we try not to leave anyone behind, but ultimately, in the words of wise man,"Everyone is responsible for themselves."
Q: What does DT stand for?
A: Shut up.
Q: Is there a pre-ride?
A: Who told you about that?
Q: That isn't an answer.
A: The pre-ride is a myth. It is merely a story about some brave cyclists who ride when others cannot. It is meant to inspire. But it does not exist. And besides, no credit would be given.
Q: No credit? What does that even mean?
A: Look, I don't have all day. I'm very busy. Some things you just need to find out for yourself. But if you have any further questions, just send me an email.
There will be additional communication as the time approaches.