Have you heard about Dave Tampellini's Burning Daylight Rolling Happy Hour (DTBDRHH)? I have.
It is going to be held on Friday June 29, 2007. Most of you know how this works, but for those that don't and those that are still a little punchy from TDDoC, here is the drill:
Meet at Washington's Crossing Park in New Jersey at the parking lot by the river, ready to ride, at 5:00 PM EDT. The exact route is uncertain at this time but the goal, as always, is to ride to New Hope and Lambertville and stop in several of the establishments for refreshments and then ride back to Washington's Crossing before it gets completely dark.
So set this date aside, and come ride with us on June 29.
Are there any questions?
Q: You mentioned a river. What river are you talking about?
A: The Delaware.
Q: Riding? Are horses required?
A: I guess I was little vague on that point. We will be riding bicycles. But if you have a horse, please feel free to ride that instead.
Q: If I have neither horse nor bicycle, may I participate?
A: Certainly. You can meet us at any or all of the stops along the way and enjoy the event.
Q: I do have a horse, but he doesn't have a bicycle. How should that be handled?
A: Stop it.
Q: How will I know where you will be at any given time?
A: In the coming weeks, the route, venues, approximate times, location of barricades, and other important information will be published.
Q: Do you really finish before it gets dark?
A: Define "finish".
Q: Return to Washington's Crossing.
A: While some have been finished before dark, no one has ever returned to Washington's Crossing before dark.
Q: Is it safe?
A: Hopewell Township has an top-notch Volunteer First Aid Squad and at least two hospitals in Trenton are open 24 hours.
Q: What if it rains?
A: You will get wet.
Q: What if for some reason, I cannot complete the ride?
A: It is traditional that no riders nor bicycles are ever left behind. But there is always a first time. Truth is there will be some type of SAG wagon available, typically.
Q: SAG wagon?
A: Supplies And Gear. There will be at least one pick-up truck, one passenger vehicle, and a van with a hooker.
Q. Really?
A: Sure, why not.
Q: Wait a minute there mister, did you say barricades? Are there going to be barricades along the route?
A: So the hooker doesn't bother you?
Q: Well, not really, but I want to know about these barricades along the route? What does that mean?
A: It's kind of like a Mad Max/Road Warrior movie, except with bicycles instead of other vehicles, Wanda Sykes instead of Tina Turner, Big Lou as himself, and a horse's arse as CPL.
Q: I don't think any of those people were in Road Warrior. Can any good come of this? I mean, who is responsible?
A: Excellent question. There used to be charity aspect to this, but it has not been emphasized of late. All riders are encouraged to give to their preferred charity. And as far as responsibility, this has always been emphasized: "Everyone is responsible for themselves."
Q: Does CPL have a bike?
A: No, that was a story told by fool, full of sound and fury, yet signifying nothing.
Q: Eff CPL?
A: Absolutely.
That is all the time we have for now. Updates will be sent throughout June as they become available. If you wish to be left off this list for this event, please reply and request that your address be removed.
My best to you all.